博碩士論文 104453024 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYi-I Kuoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年網路技術的快速發展,使得電子商務應用於網路購物也越來越普遍,網路購物的銷售規模也逐漸成長。根據資策會於2016年統計預估,2017年台灣電子商務規模可望達1兆2,515億元,其中B2C電商產值佔了6,875億元,將近超過了一半以上。以B2C這塊領域已經發展20餘年,而在2016年的調查中PCHome網路家庭的網路購物在網路銷售營業額及網路商品數都是第一名。 本研究將以PCHome網路家庭的商品資料為基礎,並挑選記憶卡為研究標的。經由資料前處理步驟產生研究資料集,並利用資料探勘的分群技術進行分群。分析分群的結果可以發現K-Means在分4群上有比較好的效果。解讀分析結果後,可針對分群結果分為重度需求使用者、低階需求使用者、基本需求使用者及高端需求使用者這四個群集,而這四個群集某種意義上也是代表著記憶卡市場區隔。 記憶卡發展自1994年推出記憶卡來,因通訊與消費電子產品的快速發展,使得記憶卡在容量與速度上的需求也逐漸增加,競爭廠商多且產品也逐漸多樣化。伴隨著內嵌式記憶體與雲端儲存的發展,對於現有記憶卡的需求形成了相當程度的威脅。研究中發現內嵌式記憶體於2017年已經朝128G以上容量的發展,雲端儲存空間也逐漸受到使用者認同。 經由整理記憶卡發展趨勢後,本研究推估低階需求使用者將隨著過時產品的淘汰,需求將逐漸減少。基本需求將與重度需求使用者將會受到內嵌式記憶體與雲端儲存影響。至於高端使用需求隨著相片像素與高階錄影品質而需求大量記憶卡容量,仍會持續有記憶卡使用的需求。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract In recent years, on-line shopping is becoming popular and creating larger sales scale because of the rapid development of Internet technologies. According to an estimation conducted by the Institute for Information Industry in 2016, Taiwan′s e-commerce in 2017 is expected to reach NT$ 1,255 billion (US$ 41.5 billion), of which B2C business platform will be accounted for NT$ 687.5 billion (US$ 22.6 billion), more than half of the amount forecasted. Multiple surveys in 2016 showed that the e-commerce corporation PCHome Online was ranked first in terms of the online sales revenue and the number of commodity item. In this paper we decipher the development and application of memory card products by using the data mining technology to analyze the data of PCHome Online commodities. First we apply the data preprocessing technique on the raw data to generate data sets. Next we apply the clustering technique of the exploratory data analysis on the data sets. The result suggests a better K-Means value when the data sets are divided into four groups. Thus we divide the memory card market into four corresponding segments: Light User, Moderate User, Power User and High-End User. Since the introduction of commercial memory cards in 1994, more and more manufacturers have joined the memory card industry to provide diversified products to meet consumers’ requirement for storage capacity and speed. The recent development of embedded memory and cloud storage has, however, posed a threat against the current memory card market. A survey found that the capacity of embedded memory in 2017 has evolved to be more than 128G, and that the cloud storage has gradually gained acceptance and recognition from users. On reviewing the trend of memory card developments, this paper estimates the Light User market segment will diminish as the obsolescent products reach their end-of-life, while the Moderate User and Power User segments will be affected by the applications of embedded memory and cloud storage. As for the High-End User segment, it will continue to thrive as the demands for storing high-resolution images and videos continue to grow.en_US
DC.subjectData Miningen_US
DC.subjectMemory carden_US
DC.titleThe Use of Data Mining Technology to Decipher the Development and Application of Memory Card Productsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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