博碩士論文 104454013 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChih-Chen Liuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在全球金融科技(FinTech)的熱潮下,科技發展及智慧型手機盛行不僅改變了金融交易模式,消費者對於金融服務的需求也越來越高,對於科技面的衝擊,金融業者不得不思考如何改變經營模式,以維持既有市場規模及擴大獲利來源。 為提升與國際金融市場的競爭力,國內各家金融業雖自2016年起紛紛推出支付平台、手機信用卡等數位金融產品,然於台灣保守的金融環境裡,礙於現行法令,數位金融的發展卻遠遠落後於其他鄰近國家,目前以國內金融業者所擁有的金融專利數量不多,也反應出台灣金融科技發展的步調相當緩慢。 本文以台灣上市金融業者為研究對象,以Ohlson模型為理論基礎,納入帳面價值、異常盈餘等為變數,另為探討金融專利與公司價值之關係,蒐集2012年第四季至2016年第四季相關資料進行實證分析,並以Panel Data為主要研究方法,探討在數位金融時代潮流下,有無金融專利是否會影響投資人對於金融股標的之價值衡量,本研究希望透過分析論述,反應出金融業者發展數位金融的實質效益。 研究結果顯示,金融專利增加數對於公司股票價格確實呈現顯著正相關,顯示在金融科技的引領下,金融專利增加越多越頻繁,在投資市場中,公司價值是相對較高地,因此國內金融業者應拋開既有的傳統思維,提供更生活化及數位化產品予消費者。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract Facing financial technology (FinTech), consumers not only change the financial trading behavior but also increase demand for financial services. With this situation, to maintain the existing market and increase more profit, this is the priority for the financial industry to think how to change their business model. In order to enhance the competitiveness of the international financial market, domestic financial industry have launched electronic payment platform, mobile credit card and other innovative financial products, however, in Taiwan, under current laws and regulations, the attitude of our financial industry is still conservative. According to related reports, it is not very hard to find that our nearby countries own more financial patents than us, which means that the development of financial technology in Taiwan is very slow. This research focus on the relationship between the financial patents and the stock price of the listed financial firms. For this purpose, collecting the book value and the abnormal surplus as the variable from the fourth quarter of 2012 to the fourth quarter of 2016, on the basis of the Ohlson model and empirical study by Panel data, to explore whether the financial patent will affect the value of the firm by investors. The result shows that it is significant and positive correlation between the financial patents and the stock price. Therefore, the domestic financial industry should be more active to develop financial patents.en_US
DC.subjectOhlson 模型zh_TW
DC.subjectFinancial Technologyen_US
DC.subjectFinancial Patenten_US
DC.subjectOhlson modelen_US
DC.subjectPanel dataen_US
DC.title金融專利與公司價值- 以台灣上市金融業公司為例zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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