博碩士論文 104457016 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorSu-Fen Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在競爭及環境快速變異的壓力下,組織管理已意識到人力資源是公司競爭優勢的來源,人力資本的累積可以增加組織對環境變化的適應性,實現最佳人力資源管理策略,可以提升組織的人力資本價值。但為何很多組織在導入制度後並沒有達到預期的成效? 多數組織以為只要效仿標竿企業成功的人力資源變革,即可獲得相同的成功,缺少一套能作為實施標準的模型,以及錯用不符合組織本身人力資源能力程度的改革路線圖(Becker,1996、Mirvis,1997)。在導入人力資源策略或制度前,並未替組織進行「把脈診斷」,就直接推動對組織而言,可能是不易理解且難以應付的人力資源措施。太過急切想要以跳躍的方式,切入人力資源管理的各個領域,是令多數組織即使獲得管理階層的支持與投入,最後人力資源變革仍無法達到預期成效的主要原因(Curtis、Hefley & Miller,2011)。 上述問題也是目前國內許多組織所面臨的相同問題--缺少一套能與國際人力資源標準接軌的評鑑系統,以作為組織國際化、全球化的策略人力資源管理變革的嚮導。本研究以人力資源部門的角度為出發點,透過組織診斷的方式,以人力資源能力成熟度模型(PCMM)為診斷工具,利用「差距分析法」,將組織的人力資源能力水準現況、描繪出清晰的輪廓,找到組織當前較急迫的人力資源問題,提出可行性建議,改善人力資管理現況進而提升組織的人力資源能力,同時藉以做為組織引領變革的啟動點。當組織在面臨鉅大產業競爭環境改變時,人力資源部門才能臨危不亂,連結組織經營策略,對人力資源策略之輕、重、緩、急有所本,以「循序」、「速進」的變革模式回應快速的產業環境變動,協助組織爭取競爭優勢,規劃出最適切(Fit)的人力資源管理制度,作為組織面對即時挑戰及穩健成長的重要機制與後盾。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIndustry competition and rapid environmental change makes some enterprises have realized that human resources are the source of competitive advantage. The accumulation of human capital can increase the adaptability of organization to environmental change, realized the best human resource management strategy could enhance the organization′s performance and human capital value. Then, why did many enterprises fail to achieve their expectation on practicing? Most of enterprises believe that as long as they follow successful human resource program of the benchmarking enterprise and the same success achieved will come. They ignored that it is very important whether the enterprise has a model can to be as a standard of implementation, whether has a reform roadmap can to conform to their own people capacity or not (Becker, 1996, Mirvis, 1997). Without diagnosis in the time before the introduction of human resource strategy or system promote the organization, directly using the human resources measures which may be too difficult to understand or difficult to handle with to the enterprise, is leading to human resource reform failed. The enterprise is too much anxious to carry out the most innovative means of human resources, does not attach importance to the basis of human resources improvement measures, in this way, even if they are supported and invested by their CEO or high level managers, can not achieve for the expected results (Curtis, Hefley & Miller, 2011). This study is from human resources department′s point of view, by organization diagnosis to find the potential problem that can obstruct the enterprise′s people capacity promotion. The case company C’s problem in human resource management is analyzed by data-analysis and potential people problem is analyzed by using the People Capacity Maturity Model (PCMM) as the diagnostic tool and gap-analysis. Will organize the status of people capacity situation depict a clear outline, as the enterprise to lead the Change-management of the begining. When the enterprise is facing a huge industrial competition environment changes, the human resources department can become a "partner". To combine with business trategy and human resources strategy management, to set a "step by step" change model, to plan the best and the fittest human resources management strategy, program and system, Let the enterprise is sufficient to cope with rapid changes in the industrial environment, access to competitive advantage, to respond to current challenges and steady growth.en_US
DC.subjectOrganization Diagnosisen_US
DC.subjectPeople Capacity Maturity Modelen_US
DC.subjectHuman Resource Managementen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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