博碩士論文 104460013 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorCheng-Chieh Tsaien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract企業財務人員在經營分析時常遇到傳統EPR報表的資訊不足、平衡計分卡的構面不周全、商業智慧軟體與企業策略整合度不足等問題。「8十事業模式」架構可作為一個企業、一個產業、甚至於一個國家的最高領導者所必須通曉的基本框架。本研究以電子製造業建置一套商業智慧系統為例,說明如何應用「8十事業模式」及「8十SWOT」分析工具建構商業智慧系統。 本研究應用「8十SWOT」分析結合個別公司資訊與外部資訊,設計出電子製造業商業智慧系統之KPI藍圖,改善傳統ERP報表側重公司內部資料的不足。擴增競爭者、產業、國家層級之KPI維度,包含了三層次共十二構面,強調與外在環境的數據連結,讓企業經營管理者在定期經營會議時更能了解外在環境的變化。尤其在採用經濟上的領先指標,協助提早發現實體經濟放緩的趨勢變化,更領先掌握環境變化,做好風險管理。資料來源主要來自政府公開資料、金融市場、競爭者的數據資訊。 應用「8十事業模式」及「8十SWOT」分析工具可以設計一套維度完整的商業智慧系統藍圖,協助企業搜尋戰情資訊,讓企業策略管理的優勢及劣勢更明朗化。有利高階經理人面對問題並提出對策,提升企業對環境的應變能力,強化企業長期競爭力。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract In an enterprise financial analysts often encounter some problems, such as insufficient information from traditional EPR reports, incompleteness of KPIs from balanced scorecard, no integration into strategy of a business intelligence system and other issues. The ”8-cross business model” should be a basic framework that the CEO of company, the leader of industry, and even the president of a country must comprehend. This research attempts to use the 8-cross business model framework to construct a business Intelligence (BI) system in order to help enterprises to scan information and resolve important decision problems. Based on the 8-cross business model as the framework, we try to design a blueprint with more complete dimensions for a business intelligence system, taking the electronics manufacturing industry as an illustration. This study uses the electronic manufacturing industry as an example to demonstrate how to use the tools of the “8-cross business model” and the “8-cross SWOT” Analysis in constructing an BI system. Including three operational levels and twelve aspects for analysis, the expansion of dimensions from competitors, industry and the country, increase the utility of information, emphasizing the interaction with the external environment. By this way, business executives in the regular business council could understand impact better from the external environment. Particularly with adoption of leading economic indicators to early detect slowdown of economics, leading to manage risk better when facing crisis. We collect structured data mostly from the public platform of government, financial markets, and competitors. The uses of the “8-cross business model” and the “8-cross SWOT” Analysis to integrate financial figures of the individual company with the external information to build the KPI for BI system to improve the deficiency of traditional ERP reports. The structure of the BI system can enable the analysts to have clearer strategic thinking. This may help senior executives to discover the problems and provide solutions earlier, adapt to the environmental impacts smoothly, and enforce competitiveness of enterprises in the long-term.en_US
DC.subject8-Cross Business Modelen_US
DC.subject8-Cross SWOT Analysisen_US
DC.subjectBusiness Intelligenceen_US
DC.subjectStrategic Managementen_US
DC.subjectBalanced Scorecarden_US
DC.titleDesign the blueprint of a business intelligence system with 8 - Cross business model framework - The case of electronic manufacturing industryen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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