dc.description.abstract | Since the release of the United Nations′ 17 Sustainable Development Goals in September 2015, they have become a universal language for international sustainability issues. Many companies are increasingly prioritizing environmental, social, and corporate governance considerations, as well as risk management and information disclosure. Through sustainable business management, coexistence and prosperity between the environment and society are sought. Currently, the quantity and quality of information disclosure in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) reports by listed companies in Taiwan have significantly improved. This reflects the government′s considerable emphasis on whether businesses possess environmental protection, social care, and corporate governance aspects in their operations. It also reflects the domestic political response to international political and economic situations.
Given that Taiwan′s energy and electricity consumption are susceptible to domestic and international economic development, economic conditions, changes in consumption structure, and the impacts of climate change, Taiwan′s energy policy strives to focus on renewable energy as the mainstay of power generation. In addition to the diverse challenges faced in promoting renewable energy, such as land development, regulatory design, environmental protection, and industrial development, initiating stable measures for electricity supply is a crucial and continuously adjustable issue for Taiwan′s energy policy.
In light of this, this study focuses on the printed circuit board industry and discusses the potential implications of the government′s renewable energy policy on this industry, as well as possible response strategies. The research employs three rounds of Delphi method expert interviews, conducting semi-structured in-depth interviews with management-level professionals and industry experts in Taiwan′s printed circuit board-related enterprises. Grounded theory analysis is used to extract key factors affecting the printed circuit board industry in Taiwan due to the impact of energy transition, as agreed upon by the interviewed experts.
The study highlights the selectivity of renewable energy and the cost of renewable energy development as critical factors influencing the scale of the government′s renewable energy policy on printed circuit board businesses. Additionally, establishing strategic alliances, utilizing idle spaces, transparentizing the green energy market, and investing in new green energy R&D technology are identified as key response strategies that printed circuit board businesses in Taiwan can adopt.
The study concludes that, although the printed circuit board industry in Taiwan has adopted relatively environmentally friendly processes in its manufacturing, the challenge lies in determining which energy sources to use for initiating these processes. Therefore, there is a need for government support in formulating and implementing dedicated renewable energy policies. The transformation of the government′s renewable energy policy and its alignment with the industry′s demands also require the printed circuit board industry to stimulate and establish new energy technology development processes through its demand for renewable energy." | en_US |