博碩士論文 104757019 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChing-Chih Chanen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討居住在桃園巿觀音區的菲籍新住民家庭的文化適應與認同的研究。 運用質化研究深入訪談法進行資料收集,以三個菲律賓籍家庭的成員為訪談對象進行深 度訪談,針對在母國文化與臺灣文化的衝擊下,新住民在語言、飲食、環境、信仰、風 俗習慣與價值觀等的適應,及對臺灣社會及文化的認同情形,皆為本論文的研究範疇, 研究結果如下: 一、新住民在臺灣社會適應的最大問題是「語言」,語言是人與人溝通的重要媒介, 透過語言的傳達,可以表達個人的看法、想法、思想,而且「語言能力」的優劣,攸關 個人應付日常生活的能力及社交活動的能力。新住民往往在溝通過程中受制於「語言隔 閡」、「語言休克」、「溝通不良」等現象,影響其表達的能力,因而信心容易受創, 而從社會關係中退縮。 二、「人際關係」在新住民生活適應發展過程中,佔著很重要的地位。新住民在遷 徙定居的動態過程中,在異文化的衝擊之下,適應過程有蜜月期、文化衝擊期、調適期 及精熟期四個階段,「人際關係」可以幫助新住民在適應發展過程中減少孤獨感,獲得 他人的認同,進而增加自信心。 三、在文化認同的議題中,就認知、情感及實踐三層面,以「文化投入」、「文化 歸屬」及「文化統合」三要素進行探討,歸屬感是個人情感層面的反應,人與人間有互 動,就有了情感的連結,也消除了心理的距離,因關心而採取了投入的行動,繼而影響 了新住民的文化統合策略。所以,文化歸屬是影響文化投入的重要因素,而文化統合的 程度,又會受文化投入與文化歸屬的影響。所以,新住民的對臺灣有情感連結愈多,愈 會影響其文化投入的多寡,則愈會對臺灣社會與文化產生認同感。 四、「友善的社會環境」是促使新住民定居的重要因素之一,新住民遷徙因素,當 然經濟問題是主要考量,對於環境的「安全」與「方便」通常也是考量重點,交通的便 利、資訊的發達、就學的方便、及生活上便利性,以及人身的安全與否,都是對新住民 ii 是非常重要的。另外,「社會尊重與包容」的態度也是一大要項,民主社會若欠缺尊重、 包容和理性的素質,則社會無法接納各種不同族群,無法聽見不同的聲音,所以社會和 諧在乎於「尊重與包容」。 最後針對研究發現與現存的問題加以討論,並對新住民家庭及相關單位提供筆者研 究後的想法,盼能對社會與新住民朋友都有所幫助,共創臺灣社會的祥和。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study was to designated to explore the cultural adaptation and identity of new Philippine families in Guanyin District, Taoyuan City. It adopted qualitative research and deep interview to collect data. Three Philippine families received the interviews in depth. The scope of this study included the adaption to language, food, environment, belief, tradition, custom, and value under the impact between the culture of their homeland and that of Taiwan, as well as their identity to Taiwanese society and culture. The results are described as follows: 1. The biggest problem for new residents to live in Taiwan is "language". Language is an important medium of communication among people. Through language, one can express his/her ideas and thinking. Moreover, "language ability" directly affects how one cope with his/her daily life and social activities. New residents tend to be confined by "language barrier", "language shock", and "poor communication" which affect their ability to express. Thus, they might be frustrated and held back. 2. "Interpersonal relationship" plays a significant role in the life adaption of new residents. During the dynamic process of migration and settlement, and under the impact of different cultures, new residents express the four stages of honeymoon period, cultural shock period, adjustment period, and maturity stage. "Interpersonal relationship" can help them weaken the sense of loneliness, gain people′s recognition, and thereby increase their confidence during the adaption. 3. This study probed into the topic of cultural identity from three aspects and three factors of "cultural input", "cultural belonging", and "cultural integration". The sense of belonging reflects one′s emotion. Interaction among people produces affection link and narrow psychological distance. Input behavior is resulted from care, which then affects the cultural integration strategy of new residents. Therefore, cultural belonging is a vital factor impacting cultural input. And the degree of cultural integration is affected by cultural input and belonging. Hence, more affection links to Taiwan, more cultural input and deeper social and cultural identity will new residents have. 4. "Friendly social environment" is an essential factor in the settlement of new residents. For migration, economy is certainly the priority. Besides, "safe" and "convenient′ environment is also considered by them. Other important aspects for new residents include convenience in transport, schooling, and life, advanced information, and personal safety. Additionally, "social respect and tolerance" is also important. In case of lack of respect, tolerance, and rationality, a society can neither embrace different races nor listen to different voices. Hence, social harmony lies in "respect and tolerance". Finally, this study discussed the existing problems and those found, expressed ideas on families of new residents and relevant units, hopes to help new residents, and creates a harmonious society in Taiwan.en_US
DC.subjectnew residentsen_US
DC.subjectcultural adaptionen_US
DC.subjectcultural identityen_US
DC.title桃園巿客家庄新住民的文化適應與認同研究 :以觀音區菲籍家庭為例zh_TW
DC.titleStudy on the Cultural Adaptation and Identity New Residents of Hakka Village in Taoyuan City: A Case Study on the Philippine Familiesen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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