博碩士論文 104757026 完整後設資料紀錄

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DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文探討桃園市八德社區大學「客家生活美學與實作」班之多元族群學習 客家文化課程的成效,與分析學員學習的動機、需求、態度與困境為目的。研究 方法為文獻分析、深度訪談及問卷調查法。深度訪談對象是客家、閩南、「外省」 及原住民族共十名。問卷則以全班學員四十三人為研究範圍。本論文的主要研究 發現如下:一、八德社區大學是公辦民營,其推廣客家文化課程的理念是建構在 地文化、深耕在地文化與凝聚社區居民,以展現在地多元族群文化的核心概念。 二、客家族群認為傳承客家文化是學習的主要目的,認同學習如入寶山不可空手 而回,非常滿意老師不藏私地把教學方法完全傳授,在學習上毫無困難。三、閩 南族群學習的動機是以想結交朋友及了解客家文化,而快樂學習客語、山歌及客 家美食,認同住在客家庄的環境裡學習並不困難,也很滿意老師教學過程的用心。 四、外省族群學習的動機也是想結交朋友及了解客家文化,而快樂地學習客語及 學做客家美食,並滿意老師的教學,認為課程活潑有趣,內容多元。五、原住民 族學習的動機是藉此結交朋友與了解客家文化融入社區生活,但因較少接觸客家 語言及文化之故,在學習上較為困難。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis paper probes into the effectiveness of diversified groups’ learning of Hakka cultural curriculum in the Class of [Life Aesthetics and Practices of Hakka] in Bade Community College, Taoyuan City as well as focuses on analyzing the learning motivation, demands, attitudes as well as difficulties of students. The research methods applied in this thesis include literature review, in-depth interview and questionnaire. In-depth interview is carried out among participants from Hakka, Minnan, [other provinces] and indigenous people. Forty-three students are researched by means of questionnaire. Major research findings in this paper are as follows: 1. Bade Community University is a state-run but privately operated college and its philosophy of promoting Hakka cultural curriculum lies in constructing local cultures, deepening local cultures and gathering the community residents together to demonstrate core concepts of local diversified cultures. 2. As for Hakka groups, carrying forward Hakka cultures is the main objective of learning and they identify the view that learning is a journey to find fortune and they should not return without any harvest. They are very satisfied with the teachers due to its selfless instructions and find no difficulty in learning. 3. Learning motivation of Minnan groups is to make new friends and have an insight into Hakka cultures. They learn Hakka, folk songs and Hakka cuisines happily. Moreover, they also agree that it’s not difficult to learn in Hakka village and show their satisfaction with the teacher’s diligent teaching. 4. With respect to groups from other provinces, they are motivated to make new friends and understand Hakka cultures. Besides, they learn Hakka and do Hakka delicacies happily as well as being satisfied with teachers’ instructions. They think that the courses are interesting with diversified contents. 5. In terms of groups of indigenous people, they attempt to make new friends, understand Hakka cultures and integrate into community life by learning. But it’s found difficult in learning because of their few contacts to Hakka language and cultures.en_US
DC.title地方治理中多元族群學習客家文化成效之研 究-以桃園市八德社區大學客家文化課程為例zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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