博碩士論文 104757031 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChu-Tao Heren_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract新竹縣竹北市六家地區舊稱「霧崙毛毛埔」,早期為道卡斯族補鹿耕作之場所,清雍正九年(1731)始有漢人入墾,開墾活躍期則自清乾隆十七年(1752)廣東饒平林姓家族移墾,此區域為頭前溪流域水源豐沛,隨著水圳開闢造就了良田千頃稻浪搖曳的平疇綠野,純樸農耕聚落在此地傳承了兩百多年,蘊育了客家聚落獨特豐富生活紋理及義民信仰。直到1992年政府宣布高鐵新竹車站設點在竹北市六家地區,寧靜農村猶如響起平地一聲雷,2000年啟動區段徵收都市計畫,讓這裏發生了翻天覆地的據變;農田消失、客家聚落瓦解、居民生活網絡斷離、大量外來人口進駐,六家地區就這麼隨著高鐵飛快速度,在短短幾十年間就銳變成了高樓大廈林立多元族群共居的都市樣貌。 本研究主要研究場域為新竹縣竹北市六家地區,研究對象為世居當地30歲以上客家族群,探討主題則為客家族群的族群認同,以語言面向之「語言使用」、「語言態度」、「語言選擇」及族群認同面向之「身份認同」、「族群態度」、「族群投入」為分析指標。研究方法主要採用文獻分析法及深度訪談法,並輔以實地田野觀察。文獻分析主要針對研究區域歷史背景歸納整理,深度訪談則深入民間觀點釐清族群認同現況。族群認同是高度流動的心靈層面,會隨著社會變遷而變動,人類為適應環境,機制反應便是行為態度的調整。研究發現:一、客家族群客語使用以海陸腔為主,饒平腔已被同化。二、客語使用意願大都被動,年齡層50歲以上,職業為農、退休或是仍保有集居型態者客語使用態度較積極。三、國語化社會主流現象,主因在遷入人口結構年輕化,農業導向服務業。四、祖先為族群認同中客家身份識別之不可變項。六、伯公信仰凝具客家族群認同再生力量。 關鍵字:客家聚落、竹北六家地區、高鐵都市計畫、族群認同 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe old name of Liujia District of Zhubei City, Hsinchu County was “Wu Lun Mao Mao Bu”, in which Taokas people have carried out deer-hunting and cultivation. Since 1731, Han people has entered and exploited this district, and the Han’s exploiting activities took off after the immigration of the Lin family (from Raoping County, Guangdong Province) in 1752. The water resource of this district was abundant; as the building up of systems of canals and irrigation ditches, thousands of hectares of farms were all over the field. The agricultural settlement here lasted for 2 hundred years, which bred unique and abundant life styles and Yimin faiths in Hakka settlement. Until 1992, the government declared that the THSR Hsinchu Station will be built in the Liujia District, which shocked the tranquil village as if a thunder rolled in the open field. In 2000, the government initiated zone expropriation, which led to a catastrophe: it made the farms disappear, disintegrated the Hakka settlement, disrupted the social networks in life of habitants, and a large number of migrants entered the district. As the rapid development of THSR, a lot of skyscrapers appeared in Liujua district, and the groups here diversified. The site of this study is Liujia District of Zhubei City (Hsinchu County), and the subject of the study is the Hakka people whose age is above 30 years old and who constantly live here. The topic is Hakka identity. We took the aspect of language, “language usage”, “attitude about language”, and “selection of language”, and the aspect of ethnic identity, “identity”, “attitude about ethnic group”, and “dedication to ethnic group” as index for analysis. We mainly took literature analysis and in-depth interview with the assistance of field observation: literature analysis is to induction of the historic background; in-depth interview is aimed at clarify the situation of ethnic identity among the people. Ethnic identity is a highly fluid, which will alter according to the social changes. In order to adjust to the environment, the reaction of the people is to change their behavior and attitude, which is undoubtedly a camouflage under the principle “survival of the fittest”. And we found that: A. the Hakaa language used by people is mainly Hailu accent, and the Raoping accent was assimilated; B. most of the Hakka language users use it passively. They are above 50 years old, and they make a living by agriculture. Those who retired or still live in the communities use Hakka language more actively; C. the phenomenon that Mandarin became the main language in the society resulted from the fact that most of the immigrant population were young and that service industry replaced agriculture as the main industry; D. the ancestor is indispensable in Hakka identity; E. Bogong faith is the reviving power to cohere Hakka identity. Keywords: Liujia District of Zhubei City, Hakka Settlement, THSR Urban Planning, Ethnic Identity en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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