dc.description.abstract | To meet various demands of society, different services are widely provided by non-profit organizations. As a state of social organization, social economics should fit the purpose which social problems caused by government or market failure are solved by non-profits organization. In opposite to market economy, which is directed by profit, social economics begins with the care of local community or group and scrutinize their need closely and the participation of shareholders. If there are any profits made through the process, they would be returned to the organization. Be-cause of the finite resources, how to use these resources effectively to make more significant social Impact is an important issue for both social economical organiza-tions and governments.
On the other hand, based on vigorous development of the third sector, more atten-tion is put on levels of social impact rather than performance check by international community in recent years. Instead of qualitative evaluation of social impact, quan-titative indices were used as evaluative methods more often than before. Assessing social impact of social enterprises models to be the focus of attention are diversely developed.
Rigorous logic and specific evaluative principles are provided, both quantitative and qualitative evaluations are also combined by Social Return on Investment, SROI. These are the reasons why it is popularly used as one of the ways to evaluate non-profit organizations. The changes and effects caused by participation of the shareholders, plans or organizations are highly considered by SORI. These changes and effects can demonstrate tangible results. Intangible senses and changes are also important for SORI, these are the reasons why it is suitable as a qualitative tool to evaluate social impact.
Based on the concerns of Hakka and the issues of the third sector, the results of Social Goals to regional social economical organizations for Hakka were analyzed by SORI in this study. Some advice for policies and organizational development is also given.
In this study, it is discovered that different characteristics of social economical organizations for Hakka are shown in different areas, and each of them are gratefully becoming proper for its area. Because the resource for the organizations mainly re-lies on allowances from public sectors, developments might be restricted by policies and systems. At last, through the analysis of SORI, the social impacts which are produced are sequentially social, economics, environments and physical statuses, mental statuses, personal abilities, cognitions, etc. Social impacts have further ef-fects than expectation and the results are rarely shown in the past. | en_US |