博碩士論文 105121009 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorJuan Hsin-Tzuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本文研究對象為蕺山學派弟子惲日初,研究材料包括蕺山著作、惲日初《劉子節要》及其零散文集,目的是分析蕺山思想的傳承差異,進而對蕺山的思想內涵有更完整真實的認識與公允的評判。 經研究歸納,惲日初的師學詮釋側重在其貴踐履的精神,是以格外重視蕺山慎獨學的發揮,論述慎獨時從實踐方向去理解,惲氏認為蕺山言人內在而超越的本體必須要從日用倫常的行踐體證、彰顯。惲日初把握這條脈絡,將他所認知的蕺山學術寫入《劉子節要》,此書的特點在於論蕺山之學的工夫踐履而非哲學理論的發揮,目的在於傳達與凸顯蕺山注重實踐歷程的學術精神。 惲日初與黃梨洲兩人的爭議可謂清初蕺山學派論爭的代表之一,過去蕺山後學對於師學認定有王學、朱學之爭,此二人對於蕺山誠意慎獨之學的理解差距也顯露了蕺山思想在心學、理學之間歸屬尚難以定論的問題,梨洲無庸置疑將蕺山定位在上承陽明的心學系統中,而惲日初由於關注在蕺山學術的實踐,不在詮釋中明確的判定蕺山屬於哪一個思想型態歸屬,認為師學對於朱、王都有學術承繼與發展。透過對惲日初的研究,見出從實踐層面理解與評價蕺山之學,可以增加學界對於目前所認知蕺山思想有不同角度的見解,一方面,也有助於明清之際蕺山學派傳承及時代學風的轉移擁有更多認識。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe research was to study Yun Ri-chu(惲日初,1601-1678), the disciple of Ji-shan(劉蕺山,1578-1645) School, as well as to explore the literatures of Ji-shan School, “Categorized selections of works of Liu Zong-zhou” by Yun Ri-chu, and few selections of his works. The purpose of this study was to analyze the differences among lineages of Ji-shan School so as to understand the wholeness and truth of Ji-shan School with better comprehensiveness and fair judgement. After the research, the author found that Yun Ri-chu focused on the spirit of actual practice and the emphasis on Self-Discipline (Shen Du) of Ji-shan. It was stated that one had to understand Self-Discipline from the perspective of practice. It was believed by Yun that one should manifest and practice the philosophy of “as inner so transcendent” in daily lives. Yun followed this path and wrote down his understanding about Ji-shan School into “Categorized selections of works of Liu Zong-zhou”. The feature of this book was the aim of practicing philosophy of Ji-shan School instead of expanding the theory so as to emphasize as well as express the spirit of practice of Ji-shan. Besides, this paper also discussed about the dispute between Yun Ri-chu and Huang Zong-xi(黃宗羲,1610-1695) over the lineages. It was acknowledged by the successors of Ji-shan that there was a lineage battle between Wang Yang-ming’s(王陽明,1472-1529) and Chu Xi’s(朱熹,1130-1200). The different perspectives on Self-Discipline by Wang and Chu had shown that it was difficult to decide whether Ji-shan School followed the lineage of philosophy of mind or that of neo-confucianism. Huang Zong-xi focused Ji-shan School on Wang’s philosophy of mind. Instead, Yun Ri-chu did not accurately decide the lineage of Ji-shan because he focused greatly on the practical side of it. Moreover, Yun believed that the school and lineage had been contributed by both Chu and Wang. After the research on Yun Ri-chu, it was hoped that scholars could gain new understanding and opinions about Ji-shan. The author wished to provide explanation of Ji-shan philosophy from another angle. Furthermore, it was expected to help scholars to understand more about the development of Ji-shan School from Ming dynasty to Qing dynasty, and to acquire the knowledge about how it was related to the change of school of philosophy.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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