博碩士論文 105122004 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorMin-Yi Kaoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract這是一篇關於 Jack Halberstam 的《女性陽剛》中兩個章節的翻譯論文,其中包括我對文本的批判性介紹。我選擇將第一章〈介紹女性的陽剛氣質:無關男人的陽剛氣質〉和第四章〈女同性戀陽剛氣質:鐵T也會受傷〉翻譯成中文。批判性介紹將分為三個部分。在第一部分,我列出了這本書的翻譯有助於我對在地性別和性多樣性的討論的三個原因:一、「女性陽剛」作為一種方法在描述跨越文化、國際的跨性別現象時具有包容性。 二、在過去七年我一直生活和工作的中國,若不能說政府對性別和性多樣性的態度越來越嚴格,那麼法規肯定是越來越細緻和全面的。三、目前沒有《女性陽剛》的中文翻譯。在第二部分中,我對第一章和第四章進行了詳盡的總結,並對本書的其他章節進行了概述,以便讀者在進入第三部分的細節之前能對我選擇翻譯的這兩章有一些了解。最後在第三部分,我以我作為一個慾望陽剛女性的女人的個人經歷來開始解釋我翻譯第一章和第四章的原因。我發現在我的在地女同性戀社群中,鐵T與 Halberstam 在 70 年代美國女同性戀社群中觀察到的一樣受人鄙視,但主要的原因是她們的「直男癌」(有毒的陽剛氣質)而不是她們的不可觸碰性。從我對蓬勃發展的陽剛女性流行明星和線上女同性戀社群的觀察來看,我認為對鐵T的賤斥可能是由於酷兒社群內部對性別多樣性的拒絕:陽剛氣質、男性特質和直男癌緊密地聯繫在一起,這使得鐵T的陽剛氣質被視為失敗的男性特質和直男癌的混合物。鐵T通常是通過某種「樣子」而不是通過她們的行為來識別的, 她們受賤斥的原因還有一部分是因為她們的樣子不符合中產階級的品味和審美。因此,要挖掘出能讓鐵T茁壯生存的地方的且正常運作的女性陽剛敘事,我們需要以一種行為的論述來取代身份的論述。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis is a translation thesis of two chapters of Jack Halberstam’s Female Masculinity that includes my critical introduction to the text. I have selected chapter one “An Introduction to Female Masculinity: Masculinity without Men” and chapter four “Lesbian Masculinity: Even Stone Butches Get the Blues” to translate into Chinese. This critical introduction will be divided into three sections. In the first section, I lay out the three reasons the translation of this book can contribute to my local discussions on gender and sexual diversity: 1) “female masculinity” as a method has an inclusive quality in describing trans-gender phenomenon across cultures and nations. 2) In China, where I have been living and working for the past seven years, if the attitude of the government towards gender and sexual diversity is not getting more and more restrictive, the regulations are definitely getting more and more meticulous and comprehensive. 3) There is currently no Chinese translation of Female Masculinity available. In the second section, I provide thorough summaries for chapter one and four as well as an overview of other chapters of the book in order to build up an understanding for my selection of the two chapters before going into details in the third section. And finally in the third section, I start by explaining my reasoning for translating chapter one and four rooted in my personal experience being a woman who desires masculine women. I find stone butches in my local lesbian community is as abjected as Halberstam observed in the 70s U.S. lesbian community, but the main reason is for their “toxic masculinity” instead of their untouchability. And from my observation of thriving masculine female pop stars and the online lesbian community, I propose that the abjection of stone butches may result from the rejection of gender diversity from within the queer community: masculinity, maleness, and toxic masculinity is strongly linked together, which made the masculinity of a stone butch be seen as a mixture of failed maleness and toxic masculinity. The stone butchness is usually identified by a certain “look” and not really by details of their action, the reason for abjection is also partly because the look does not fit into a middle-class taste and aesthetic. Therefore, to unveil a local and functional narrative of female masculinity that allows stone butches to thrive, we need a discourse of acts to replace the discourse of identities.en_US
DC.title“A Discourse of Acts”: A Translation Thesis of Female Masculinityen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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