博碩士論文 105127007 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChia-Chi Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract108課綱於國小三年級數學「資料與不確定性」主題中新增「列聯表」,本研究旨為挖掘列聯表坐落於國小後產生的網絡變化,以自我民族誌紀錄研究者發展列聯表試題的思考與歷程,以及相關行動體的連結情形。研究視野採用行動者網絡理論視野,追蹤列聯表在課室內如何轉譯師生行動並意外看見課室外,列聯表串接起課程統整與教育政策推動議題。 本文探究結果如下: 一、 列聯表作為重要的數學概念工具被提拔至課綱的目的是希望能夠透過有系統的課程安排,從國小階段中引入列聯表,再去延伸、應用與推廣,最後銜接上高中統計課程,提供學生在學習機率單元時,能使用更有效的概念工具。 二、 成為列聯表代言人後改變了我原本的教學習慣,首先是在進行教學活動前,原先依賴教科書的我,因應列聯表教學需求,嘗試自編教材。第二個改變是習慣舊課綱教材的我,過去在授課前較少進行備課,新課綱的列聯表開啟了我在教學過程中備課、觀課、議課的大門。 三、 列聯表改變學生的學習軌跡,學生學習行為產生位移後,再影響教師改變教學行為。列聯表主動作用於師生,課室內網絡透過相關行動體交互作用下,產生改變教育實作的網絡效果。 四、 國小教師受到新課綱變動影響較小,透過追蹤列聯表發現課室內、外網絡中許多關鍵的行動體未被徵召,使得網絡效果呈現出新課綱推動行動體與教學端行動體間的斷裂。這些行動體包含:轉譯後的教材、課程專家與相關教學資源。 作者希冀透過本文能使國小教師對列聯表被徵召進新課綱之脈絡有所理解,並透過追蹤列聯表,觀察課室內、外網絡行動體連結狀態與其網絡效果,提供給未來編制教科書人員、現場教師、教育改革者有用的參考信息。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe topic of “Contingency table” was added to the 12-year Basic Education Curriculum under the subject of “ Data and Uncertainty” in the third grade mathematics. This study aims to explore the network changes that occurred after the contingency table was located in a primary school, and to record the researcher’s thinking and history of the development of the contingency table, as well as the connection of related actors. The research adopts the perspective of actor network theory (ANT) to track how the contingency table translates the actions of teachers and students in the classroom. And the researcher unexpectedly sees outside the classroom that contingency table connects curriculum integration and educational policy promotion issues. The results of this study are as follows. 1. As an important tool of mathematical concepts, the contingency table is proposed to the syllabus. The purpose is to introduce the contingency table from the elementary school stage through a systematic curriculum arrangement, and then extend, apply and promote it, and finally connect to statistics courses of the high school. It provide students with different problem-solving tools to use when studying probability units. 2. Becoming the spokesperson of the contingency table changed my original teaching habits. First of all, I, who originally relied on textbooks before conducting teaching activities, tried to compile my own teaching materials in response to the teaching needs of the contingency table. The second change is that I am accustomed to the old syllabus and textbooks. In the past, I seldom prepared lessons before teaching. The contingency table of the new syllabus opened the door for me to prepare, observe and discuss lessons during the teaching process. 3. The contingency table changes the learning trajectory of students. After the students’ learning behaviors are displaced, they will affect the teachers to change their teaching behaviors. The main action of the contingency table is used for teachers and students, and the classroom network through the interaction of related action bodies produces a network effect that changes the educational practice. 4. Elementary school teachers are less affected by the changes in the new syllabus. Through the tracking of contingency tables, it is found that many key objects in the classroom and outside the network have not been recruited, so that the network effect shows the break between the new syllabus promotion actors and the teaching actors. These key actors include: implemented textbooks, course experts and related teaching resources. The author hopes that through this article, elementary school teachers can understand the context of the contingency table and the reasons they are recruited into the new syllabus. And by tracking the contingency table and observing the connection status of network actors inside and outside the classroom and their network effects, this work may provide useful reference information for textbook staff, field teachers, and education reformers in the future.en_US
DC.titleExploring the Contingency Table Located in Elementary Schools Based on Actor Network Theoryen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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