博碩士論文 105155010 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorjuin-wai Liuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract1938年「台兒莊戰役」係抗日戰爭中一場關鍵性戰役,亦是中國對日作戰以來正面戰場上取得首次勝利。此役,不但激起了中國軍民之抗戰意志,更振奮了全民族抗戰之士氣。1937年8月13日,日軍藉故挑釁,蔣中正有意發動「淞滬會戰」。12月13日,日軍攻陷南京後,即決定完成對長江以北各戰略要地之佔領。遂集結兵力於津浦鐵路南北段,呼應作戰,以擊破國軍主力,進而貫通南北戰場,攻佔武漢,迫使中國政府投降,故將目標對準軍事重鎮徐州。 此役,堅定了全國軍民堅持抗戰的信心。過程中,儼然形成中日雙方「持久」與「速決」之對決。基於國軍各部隊素質和裝備之優劣,和其戰鬥力的高低並未完全一致,但為確保武漢,國軍則採取「持久消耗戰」之戰略方針,並制定持久抗戰之作戰計畫,迫使日軍主力從華北轉移到華東;且於台兒莊附近迫使日軍逐次使用兵力,處於不利狀態下作戰,以達成消耗日軍之目的。反之,日本自「七七蘆溝橋事變」之初,日本政府努力堅持戰局「不擴大方針」,欲早期解決。然囿於在攻佔南京後,為力求在軍事行動取得成果與外交措施得宜的配合下儘快結束戰事,即企圖打通津浦線,貫通南北戰場,意圖以「速戰速決」之戰略方針,迫使國軍在無險可守之地徐州進行大規模決戰,進而佔領我軍事指揮中心—武漢。 中日兩軍以臨沂阻擊、滕縣保衛戰鬥揭開「台兒莊戰役」之序幕,其次,以第二次臨沂及台兒莊城寨之戰鬥,抗擊順勢沿津浦路南侵之日軍磯谷第10師團及板垣第5師團。「台兒莊戰役」不單只是一次軍事上之勝利,亦是中國抗戰的一個重要轉折點,更鼓舞了同仇敵愾中國軍民之抗戰鬥志和必勝信念。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn 1938, the campaign of Taierzhuang is a critical campaign as well as the first victory since Republic of China (ROC) against Japan invasion on the front of battlefield, then the victory not only inspires ROC peoples’ will to against Japan but also the moral. On August 13, 1937, Japanese military conduct provocative action by lame excuses, meanwhile, Chiang Kai-shek intend to start the campaign of Shanghai. On December 13, Japan has been occupied Nanjing then prepare to seize more key terrains in the north of Yangtze River. For military collaboration, Japan regards Xuzhou city as an important military object then assembles a great of armed forces along the Tientsin-Pukow Railway. In order to destroy Chinese main forces, to connect the battlefield from the north to the south, to take Wuhan city down then could finally force ROC to surrender. The process of Sino-Japan military conflict seems as a confrontation between "protracted warfare" and "quick warfare". For secure Wuhan city, due to the low quality of manpower and equipment, ROC has decided to adopt the strategy of "protracted warfare" and make a plan for lasting to resist Japan; the military main force shift to eastern China from northern China. Close to Taierzhuang, ROC drives Japan to use the troops one by one and fight in disadvantage condition. On the contrary, early "July 7th Incident”, Japan insists on the guideline of not expending policy that could benefit to finish the war by the means of military and diplomacy. In other words, Japan troops under the guideline of “fight and win battles of quick decision” will force ROC troops under terrain disadvantage to engage a large-scale decisive battle then could lead to occupy Wuhan city, military command center. ROC defend Japanese military forces, 5th and 10th division of Kwantung Army. Both Linyi battle and Teng Zhou battle were seem as the start of the Campaign of Taierzhuang, followed by the second Linyi battle and Taierzhuang urban combat along the Tientsin-Pukow Railway. For ROC, the campaign is not only a military triumph but also a turning point as well as the inspiration of fighting will and winning belief.en_US
DC.subjectProtracted Warfareen_US
DC.subjectFight and Win Battles of Quick Decisionen_US
DC.subjectChiang Kai-sheken_US
DC.subjectLi Tsung-jenen_US
DC.subjectLine of Operationen_US
DC.subjectBattle of Taierzhuangen_US
DC.titleA Research on the Campaign of Taierzhuang in 1938en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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