博碩士論文 105155016 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChang-You Caien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract日治時期前,消防處於鄰里間的救火和警戒,而日治時期間,為了維護政權的安定,沒有專屬的救火組織,直到「內地延長主義」政策為同化政策的精神,將臺灣當作是日本內地的延長;因此1921年5月10日,日本公布勅令第 206 號「臺灣消防組規則」,成為台灣近代消防起始點;然而隨日本的戰敗,政權的交接,使得台灣初步的消防架構毀於一旦,台灣近代消防重新再次循環。 臺灣消防法到1985年立法通過前,維護初期的統治和社會治安,搶救火災的部分依然靠義勇消防隊等民間組織為主力,消防人員則處於輔助和偵辦犯罪角色。消防組織變革的因素,都是火災重大事件造成民眾慘重傷亡,促進政府高層必須進行組織的改變,將政府消防隊專責化以及消防工作重心的調整;到消防署成立後,業務為預防火災、災害搶救和緊急救護,同時對人力的增加、經費和設備大幅度的挹注,完善台灣消防史的篇章。 日本政府和後來中華民國,消防人員的培訓皆從民間和官方兩大系統;官方系統都是考訓制度,從警察訓練所的培訓,1954年後警務處因人力不足,採先補後訓的方式,到了1970年中央警官學校開辦消防學系,培育人才至大學程度,1980年設立消防研究所,1991年台灣警察專學校消防科成立和雙軌制的實施,加速人力的補充和訓練,讓人才培育能更完備。民間義勇消防隊皆由民眾和仕紳組成,到現在消防志工,實施初階的消防訓練和消防裝備的投入,提高消防志工的安全和專業性;臺灣消防也跟西方一樣,皆面對複合型的災害的挑戰,單純的消防已無法應付,整合政府的資源和橫向的聯繫,以提升消防工作的效能,已成為各國消防的課題,讓臺灣消防上踏入另一個階段的里程碑。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe recent histroy of Taiwan fire fighting(1895-2015) Abstract Before the Treaty of Shimonoseki in 1985,Taiwan′s fire service was part of the folk organization. The scope of work of the firefighters primarily involved fire fighting and Caution. during Japanese Colonial Rule in Taiwan, the regular firefighters were found originated from a private organization ‘Fire Brigade’ owing to the greater social demand already incapable by the original volunteer. Until the practice of Motherland Extension Policy, regular firefighters were first established in Taipei in 1922 meaning the beginning of The Establishment and Development of Regular Fire Fighting history in Taiwan. The circulating history of fire service from japan to R.O.C . To the passing of the Fire and Rescue Law in 1985, Taiwan′s fire service always under the police system. The reporting of the Taiwanese Fire organization was changed that major fire incidents caused heavy public casualties. These events forced the chief government officials to better understand the current situation. Therefore, organizational changes were made in order to adapt to the increasingly complex environment. The county municipal fire brigade rank was upgraded to the first level. The central government as well as the state, local county and city governments made the fire department a provincial administrative organization and management as a dedicated unit. This caused the focus of fire prevention and fire rescues to have equal importance. Until the establishment of nation fire agency, the fire service is separated from the police system. Fire prevention,disaster rescue and emergency medical service are the three primary missions specified in the Fire Prevention Act, increasing the firefighting manpower, the expenditure as well as the equipment simultaneously. Two replenishments of Fire Brigade,one was training new talents to firefighters began with the training program of the postwar Police Training Institute of the Chief Executive Office. After 1954, new firefighters were hired and then trained by the Police due to the lack of manpower. This replenished the number of firefighters. The Central Police Officer College opened the Fire and Rescue Department in 1970, training new talents to firefighters at the university level. In 1980, the establishment ofthe Institute of Police "Fire and Rescue Section"and the fire department of Taiwan police college,provided the firefighter with training of additional new talents. The other is originated from a private organization. However, due to the changes in the climate and the environment, Taiwan′s firefighting also faces the challenge of complex disasters with the West. Pure firefighting can no longer cope. How to integrate government resources and horizontal connections to improve the effectiveness of firefighting has become the firefighting force of all countries. This issue marks a milestone in the history of Taiwan′s fire protection.en_US
DC.subjectFire Volunteeren_US
DC.subjectFire Departmenten_US
DC.subjectFire Lawen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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