博碩士論文 105226048 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWan-Ting Hsiehen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文主要討論如何製作出以白光點光源可以重建出黑白化實像的可環繞觀賞之圓錐型複合全像片。 運用雙步驟的方式拍攝全像片,拍攝母片時,將提供紅光影像之物光利用二維擴散角度不同之毛玻璃使其收斂點位置,沿著消色角方向擴散成一消色線,子片的複製則是在共軛重建母片資訊時,將母片分成紅色與藍色兩區,控制兩區的曝光總能量比例,以及分區寬度與分區「波長對」(Wavelength pair),將不同波長的繞射光進行繞射效率調整。最後,以白光手電筒重建影像時,不同波長的繞射光狹縫會疊合在混色範圍內,達成白光配色效果。 在消色角模擬中,以繞射理論為基礎,運用影像光波向量與底片grating方向加上重建光波向量會差個底片法向量的倍數,來進行影像光傳播方向的修正模擬。而本實驗最重要的部份為將實像影像黑白化,運用預先變形影像、縮小狹縫寬度,最後拉遠觀賞距離來達成使觀賞實像之影像黑白化的目的。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn this study, we discuss how to use a two-step holographic process to create a 360-degree viewable conical-type holographic stereogram, which can generate real achromatic image for viewing. In the first step, we elongate the converging point of the object wave to a silt, which is along to the achromatic angle, by a two dimensional diffuser, and then we record this object wave as the master hologram. In the second step, when reconstructing the information stored in master hologram, the master hologram is divided into two parts, belonging to blue image information and red image information. In order to produce achromatic image, we need to control relative exposure energy for two parts of master hologram, their width, and wavelength pair to change relative diffraction efficiency of these two partial holograms. Finally, when we reconstruct the final hologram using white light from point source, it diffracts light of different wavelengths to the overlapping area, which then achieves achromatic effect for the observed image. Using the theory of diffraction to simulate experimental viewing system can find that the wave vector of the image wave minus an integral number of the normal vector of hologram is equal the grating vector plus the wave vector of the reconstruction wave. And then use the theory to revise the wave vector of the image wave. The important part of this study is to create a floating achromatic image for conical hologram. So, finally we deform the original 2D images advance and let the width of the silt shrink to 0.15cm to record the master hologram. By viewing the final hologram at paper, larger distance, we are able to observe on achromatic, none deformed real image.en_US
DC.subjectachromatic angleen_US
DC.subjectachromatic real imageen_US
DC.subjectconical-type holographic stereogramen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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