博碩士論文 105352013 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWei-Hung Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract最近幾年來,氣候變的不穩定,有趨向於極端的變化,隨著工業化及都市化發展程度,及人口成長迅速對於土地開發的需求增高,人類活動造成的環境變化及潛在衝擊是無法避免,一直以來我們對抗天災都以消極的處理方式來面對,越來越多災害及造成生命財產損失發生,因此為了避免生態浩劫,又不影響經濟發展之下,引進了國外「低衝擊開發策略」,這概念主要是將暴雨逕流的管理方式,自然地融入到人類開發行為中,本次研究就針對人類生命經濟文化發展重要之設施-道路,以海綿理念來對應低衝擊開發策略。   道路是人類發展史重要之設施,過去都採用不透水性鋪面設計,不但使地表產生了逕流,且使土地喪失良好滲透及涵養保水之能力,因此剝奪了土壤內微生物之生存條件,降低了大地滋養植物的能力。   大量不透水性鋪面增加,相對減少了自然植生的被覆面,降低雨水滲流入地面水量,使得水份減少蒸發量,無法調節地表溫度,熱島效應產生,高溫化及乾燥化情形嚴重;過去都市公共排水設施都法承擔目前暴雨量,颱風、豪雨都有淹水現象發生,如果再不考慮土地保水、滲透、滯流或延遲洪峰,無論多少的防洪設施都無法抵擋急驟變化之暴雨氣候,為了改善大地滲透能力,增加其保水功效,道路必須使用透水鋪面增加地表透水面積,而不影響人類開發或環境保護,海綿道路就此產生了。 本研究道路打破一般道路將水儘速排入排水系統排放掉舊思維,融合現有水利溝,提供一具有入滲、保水及補充地下水等低衝及開發之海綿道路。 上游水源利用中央分隔島水利溝作為排洪主要通道,如遇豪大雨可分流至兩旁側溝系統,有效分洪及減洪,然地表逕流水往道路基底滲透,雨水不再只能透過地表排水進入側溝,做到減量功能並大大減緩淹水的發生。 沿用日本規範採C40透水級配,增加路基透水性、承載力、施工效率提高及降低預算且材料取得容易,並於施工過程兼顧承載力與透水係數,引進智慧城市概念以網路雲端技術連結本工程監測設備,將所有監測數據與市政府分享共用,讓上級單位也能了解地方基礎設施運行情況,結合智慧城市及物聯網概念。 關鍵字:透水鋪面、低衝擊開發、洪峰延滯 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, the instability of climate has tended to extreme changes. With the development of industrialization and urbanization and the rapid increase in population demand for land development, environmental changes and potential impacts caused by human activities are unavoidable. All along, natural disasters have been dealt with in a negative way. More and more disasters and loss of life and property have taken place. Therefore, in order to avoid ecological catastrophe and not affect economic development, the introduction of foreign "low impact development strategy This concept mainly integrates management of storm runoff into human development behavior naturally. This study deals with the low-impact development strategy based on the sponge concept, which is an important facility for the development of human life, economy and culture. Roads are important facilities in the history of human development. In the past, the use of impervious pavement design not only gave rise to runoff on the surface but also caused the soil to lose good penetration and conserve water, thus depriving the soil of the living conditions of microorganisms and reducing the size of the earth The ability to nourish the plant. A large number of impervious pavement increased, the relative reduction of the natural vegetation cover, reduce the infiltration of rain into the ground water, making water evaporation, can not adjust the surface temperature, heat island effect, high temperature and desiccation situation is serious; in the past urban public Drainage facilities are responsible for the current heavy rainfall, typhoons, heavy rains have flooded phenomenon, without considering the land water, infiltration, stagnation or delayed flood peak, no matter how many of the flood control facilities are unable to withstand the sudden changes in the storm climate, in order to improve the earth Permeability, to increase its water retention effect, the road must use permeable pavement to increase the surface permeable area, without affecting human development or environmental protection, resulting sponge roads. This research road breaks through the ordinary roads and discharges the water as soon as possible into the drainage system to discharge the old thinking and integrate the existing water conservancy ditches to provide a sponge road with low infiltration and development such as infiltration, water retention and groundwater recharge. The upper reaches of the water source uses the central island water conservancy ditch as the main channel for flood discharge. In case of heavy rainfall, it can be diverted to both sides of the ditch system, effectively flood diversion and flood reduction. However, surface runoff penetrates into the road base and rainwater can no longer enter the side ditch through surface drains , To achieve the reduction function and greatly reduce the occurrence of flooding. Following the adoption of the Japanese specification for C40 permeable grading to increase subgrade permeability, load bearing capacity, construction efficiency and reduce budget and easy access to materials, bearing capacity and water permeability during construction, the introduction of smart city concept to network cloud technology link Engineering monitoring equipment, sharing all the monitoring data with the municipal government, so that superior units can also understand the operation of local infrastructure, combining the concept of smart city and Internet of Things. Keywords: Permeable paving, low impact development, peak delay en_US
DC.subjectPermeable pavementen_US
DC.subjectlow impact developmenten_US
DC.subjectpeak delayen_US
DC.titlePerformance analysis of permeable pavement monitoring and testing on urban roads-case study by Taoyuan Luzhu district Da-hua north streeten_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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