博碩士論文 105356026 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-Ping Hsiehen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract國內推行安全衛生管理系統已行之有年,為激勵及擴大國內企業的參與,並加速職場風險管控能力向上提升及與國際接軌,勞動部以「聯集」概念整合ILO-OSH(2001)與 OHSAS 18001(2007)之要項,結合該二套制度的優點,制定「臺灣職業安全衛生管理系統指引」,簡稱 TOSHMS(Taiwan Occupational Safety and Health Management System)指引,2018年國際標準組織終於頒布備受全球期待的職業衛生與安全管理系統標準ISO 45001:2018,這將改變全球工作場所的安全衛生管理作為, 同年勞動部亦公布CNS 45001職業安全衛生管理系統-附使用指引之要求事項,將傳統重點式安全衛生管理制度邁向系統化與國際化,引導國內企業 將安全衛生管理內化為企業營運管理的一環,有效降低工作場所的危害及風險,而其內文改版的重點有「條文架構改變」、「組織背景」、「加強領導統御」、「預防因工作造成的疾病」及「加強採購及供應商與承包商控管」。 當職業災害發生時,事業單位應檢視問題的原因,是管理面還技術面問題,而在現代工作場所中,員工很可能只因“做他該做的工作”而遭受嚴重傷害, 所以高階主管必需扮演積極的引領角色,塑造積極的文化和溝通「什麼是必要的措施」,更重要的是「它為什麼重要」。 本研究利用ISO 45001「領導和員工參與」條文和ISSA「零傷亡願景」設計問卷、交付某跨國公司員工、職安衛相關人員、管理階層及國內企業之員工,本問卷19個細項所涵蓋的4個面向是「雇主展現對安全衛生的重視、設定標準而且是員工和管理階層的榜樣」、「公司內部所有員工都瞭解安全衛生的重要性-並且大家都會公開討論它的重要性」、「雇主言行一致,並表現出對工作場所安全衛生的重視」、「公司會投資職業安全衛生的實踐」等,問卷結果則分別就執行現況和差異性深入比較和分析,研究結果可用於研擬高階主管職業安全衛生領導能力策略,並可提供管理階層更具精確性、適切性及持續性的思考方向,對我國職業安全衛生管理系統的有效性應有相當的助益。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractOccupational health and safety management systems have been actively promoted in Taiwan for many years. To align with international trend and to raise the visibility of occupational health and safety management, the Council of Labor Affairs, the predecessor of the Ministry of Labor, integrated the fundamental principles of ILO-OSH (2001) and OHSAS 18001 (2007) and promulgated the "Taiwan Occupational Safety and Health Management System Guidelines, TOSHMS" in 2007. The International Organization for Standardization, ISO, realizing the importance of an international standard for occupational health and safety management system, finally finished and published ISO 45001 “Occupational health and safety management systems - Requirements with guidance for use” in 2018. ISO 45001 has the potential to affect the adoption and implementation of occupational health and safety management practices globally. To match the ISO 45001 development, CNS 45001, the equivalent Taiwanese national standard was also published in the same year. Work-related injuries and illnesses occur on a regular basis. When misfortune happens, workers involved in an accident are inevitably blamed. However, with the emphasis of leadership in occupational health and safety management, top management of any organization in every business sector bear the responsibility and accountability of leading and coaching its employees to fully understand not just “how to” but also “why” in occupational risk management practices. This study aims to propose a top management occupational health and safety leadership development strategy to assist Taiwanese organizations comply with the requirements of ISO 45001 and implement effective management systems. Requirements of ISO 45001 Claus 5 and the International Social Security Association’s 2017 “Vision Zero “ are adopted in the design of a questionnaire. Recommendations of rule 1 of Vision Zero’s Golden Rules such as “Top management demonstrate safety and health, set standards and serve as a role model for the employees and managers”, “The importance of safety and health is known to everyone in the organization and they talk about it openly”, “Top management act consistently and demonstrate the importance of safety and health at work has to him or her”, “Top management invest in safety and health” compose the main body of the questionnaire. 200 employees of a multi-national and others domestic company were encouraged to respond to questions concerning both the current status and criticality of the aspects presented in the questionnaire. It is hoped that the safety and health leadership development strategy proposed in this study will lead to effective implementation of ISO 45001. en_US
DC.subjectISO 45001zh_TW
DC.subjectOccupational Safety and Health Management Systemen_US
DC.subjectTop Managementen_US
DC.subjectOccupational Safety and Health Leadershipen_US
DC.subjectISO 45001en_US
DC.subjectVision Zeroen_US
DC.titleThe Study of Top Management Safety and Health Leadership Development Strategyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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