dc.description.abstract | This study used the 2011 survey data of manufacturing firms to investigate the relation between hiring temporary workers and the performance of firm. The four indexes of hiring temporary workers are whether hiring temporary workers, the maximum number of temporary workers every month, the regular number of temporary workers every month and the annual expense of temporary workers. And the performance of firm is measured by labor productivity and total factor productivity. The empirical result shows that the four indexes of hiring temporary workers have positive but insignificant effect on labor productivity. In term of total factor productivity, except the whether hiring temporary workers variable has no significant effect, the maximum and regular number of temporary workers every month indicate that the total factor productivity will increase 0.02% if we increase 1% number of temporary workers. And the firms that have more annual expense of temporary workers also have higher total factor productivity. Furthermore, we observed Two-Digit Industries individually and found that hiring temporary workers and labor productivity have obviously positive relation in Manufacture of Computers, Electronic and Optical Products, Manufacture of Pharmaceuticals and Medicinal Chemical Products, Manufacture of Plastics Products and Manufacture of Motor Vehicles and Parts. Then, we focus on the firms that have temporary workers, we can still find the firms that have more number of temporary workers and more annual expense of temporary workers have higher labor productivity and total factor productivity. This study proved that hiring temporary workers and the performance of firm indeed have positive relation for manufacturing firms of Taiwan. | en_US |