博碩士論文 105424023 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChyi-Jye Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract美國分別於2013年與2017年藉著二宗關於智慧財產權之案例,主張著作權與專利權轉型改採國際耗盡原則,此舉受到全球關注,並推測其為本世紀必然之趨勢。反觀我國,目前著作權採行國內耗盡原則;專利權則採行國際耗盡原則,係因實際需求?抑或應予修法?又權利耗盡原則之最適類型為何? 為求得上述問題之解答,本文從理解權利耗盡之理論基礎與類型著手;並探討美國二宗權利耗盡原則之轉型案例歷審法院判決之主張,以及其改採國際耗盡開放平行輸入後,對國際與國內市場之影響;亦就我國目前法規、實務案例、以及國家產業之相對性輸出國、輸入國之屬性,思考未來於交易市場之規則趨勢。本文更透過國家政策之「法」的分析、比較;行銷通路中「人」的權益調和;貨物流動時「國」的貿易互動,進行各個面向的討論。最後提出結論:著作權與專利權於「人盡其才」(鼓勵個人創作)、「物盡其用(滿足消費需求)」與「貨暢其流」(貨品自由流動)之理想下,國際耗盡原則儼然已成趨勢。雖然我國有些傳統產業面臨轉型甚至淡出市場,但著作權法之相關修法仍勢在必行,以期符合國家現狀與需求,並利於未來文化發展;對於側重技術保護的專利權部分,因我國產業結構與兩岸關係等因素複雜,建議採行國際耗盡類型之同時,還要擬訂相對應的配套政策,以力求完善。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe U.S. supreme court’s decisions in Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons (2013) and Impression Products v. Lexmark International (2017) had significant ramifications on the application of intellectual property laws as they signalled a pivot towards adopting the international exhaustion doctrine in matters pertaining to copyrights and patent rights. International observers predicted these decisions to be the trend of the future. In contrast, Taiwan R.O.C still adopts the national exhaustion doctrine for copyright while applying international exhaustion doctrine for patent rights. Is this based on practicality? Or should the laws be reformed? And what would be the most appropriate model for principles of exhaustion? This paper seeks to answer the above questions through understanding the principles behind exhaustion doctrine; closely examining Kirtsaeng (2013) and Impression (2017) to analyse how the international exhaustion doctrine affects global and domestic markets through parallel importation; and considering the potential paradigm shift in future trades by examining our current national laws, cases, and the characteristics of relevant industries, countries of import and export. Furthermore, this paper also includes multi-facet discussions of our national policies from a legal perspective; the balance between the rights and benefits of individuals within marketing and distribution networks; and the interactions between trading nations. In conclusion, the pivot towards adopting international exhaustion doctrine for both copyrights and patent rights is inevitable in the pursuit of encouraging innovation, satisfying market needs, and promoting free trade. The reform of copyright law is a must in order to satisfy our nation’s circumstances, needs, and facilitate future cultural development. This is despite some of our traditional industries facing the challenges of either successfully transforming or being phased out as a result of the impending changes. On the other hand, given our industrial structure and complex geopolitical relationship with mainland China, our patent law which emphasizes on the protection of technologies will need additional considerations and be paired with appropriate policies.en_US
DC.subjectDoctrine of Exhaustionen_US
DC.subjectInternational Exhaustion Doctrineen_US
DC.subjectParallel Importen_US
DC.subjectPatent Righten_US
DC.titleA Study of the Exhaustion Doctrine in Copyright and Patent Right With the Latest Development of Court Decisions in the U.S.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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