博碩士論文 105424025 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChih-Jung Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來各國政府積極推行無現金化的社會政策,希望透過信用卡、金融卡、電子票證等電子支付工具取代過往的現金交易,促使地下經濟浮出檯面,增加稅收;另一方面無現金的交易模式也大大降低洗錢機會,符合世界推行洗錢防制法的趨勢。 同時受惠通訊科技發達、智慧型手機普及、行動支付安全技術提升,提供行動支付良好的發展空間。全球近端行動支付市場持續成長的因素為全球消費者使用智慧型手機的比例愈來愈高,用戶對於行動支付所帶來的便利感日益偏愛,以及越來越多廠商開發出簡易安裝的近端行動支付系統提供給商家,提升商家裝機意願。 本研究首先透過文獻分析了解國際行動支付技術與產業現況,再梳理電子支付技術與模式;分析國際知名行動支付個案,剖析行動支付業者經營模式與創新之處;最後近一步探討主要國家推行行動支付之鼓勵政策及法規,分析台灣推行行動支付阻礙之原因。最後結論針對以上分析,給予相關業者與政府未來持續進行創新支付服務的策略方向參考。 本研究發現推展行動支付成功的關鍵因素,在於提供良好的支付體驗、創造成熟的收付環境以及培養民眾使用電子支付的習慣。而商家設置電子支付設備有三大障礙點,課稅成本、設備設置成本以及交易手續費成本。如何克服這些困難點是增加行動支付比例很重要的課題。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, the governments of various countries have actively implemented cashless social policies, hoping to replace the past cash transactions with electronic payment tools such as credit cards, financial cards and electronic ticketing cards, so as to promote the underground economy to emerge and raise taxes. On the other hand, cash-free trading model also greatly reduces the money laundering opportunities, in line with the world trend of money laundering prevention law. At the same time, thanks to the development of communication technology, the popularity of smart phones and the mobile payment security technology to provide a good space for development of mobile payment. The growth of the global near-end mobile payment market is due to the increasing proportion of global consumers using smart phones, and the growing preference for the convenience of mobile payments. And more manufacturers to develop a simple installation of the near-end mobile payment system to provide businesses to enhance the willingness to install. First, this study analyzes the current situation of international action payment technology and industry through the literature, then combines the technology and mode of electronic payment, it also analyzes the cases of international well-known action payment, and analyzes the business model and new place of foreign action payment industry. Last, this paper discusses the incentive policy and regulations for the implementation of action payment at home, and analyzes the reasons for the obstacles to the implementation of action payment in Taiwan. To sum up, the above analysis will give a reference to the related industry and the government in the future direction of innovative payment services. This study finds that the key factors to promote the success of mobile payment are to provide a good payment experience, to create a mature payment environment and to establish consumersundefined habit of using electronic payment. There are three barriers to the introduction of electronic payment, tax cost, equipment import cost and transaction fee cost. How to overcome these difficulties is an important issue to increase the proportion of mobile payment.en_US
DC.subjectMobile Paymenten_US
DC.subjectElectronic Paymenten_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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