博碩士論文 105426028 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChun-Yu Laien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract一個國家的經濟水平與人民的生活水準反映在其出境觀光人數,而觀光事業近十年在全球興起,主要原因就是人們休閒時間的延長與交通的進步,縮短了空間以及距離,使得人們更有能力與時間進行長途旅行。根據「世界觀光旅遊委員會」(World Travel & Tourism Council, WTTC)分析顯示,光旅遊業在 2017 年間,就為全球的經濟貢獻了 8.3億美元,相當於全球 GDP 的 10.4%,並提供了超過 3.13 億個工作機會,由此可見旅遊業對於全球經濟的影響是不容小覷的。 本文運用特徵價格理論,採線性迴歸,建立台灣國際觀光飯店特徵價格函數,探討國際觀光飯店業在房間定價上的適當性,並以了解消費者對於國際觀光飯店之各項特徵的重視程度。此外,對於籌設中的國際觀光飯店,投資者更能提早對於較為顯著之特徵因子,做為投資規劃進行之參考。 本研究之目的為找出台灣國際觀光飯店的定價因子,進而了解在觀光市場白熱化的台灣,有哪些定價因子是可以吸引旅客前來消費投宿,也分析哪些因子對於房價價格影響較為顯著,讓飯店業者能創造附加價值,儘管面臨競爭激烈的觀光市場,還是能夠逆勢而起。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe economic level of a country and the standard of living of the people are reflected in the number of people who have traveled abroad. The tourism industry has risen around the world in the past ten years. The main reason is the extension of leisure time and the progress of transportation, shortening the space and distance, making people more Ability to travel long distances with time. According to the analysis of the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), the optical tourism industry contributed $830 million to the global economy in 2017, equivalent to 10.4% of global GDP and provided more than 3.13. With billions of job opportunities, it can be seen that the impact of tourism on the global economy cannot be underestimated. This paper uses the characteristic price theory, adopts linear regression, establishes the characteristic price function of Taiwan International Tourist Hotel, discusses the appropriateness of the international tourist hotel industry in the pricing of rooms, and understands the importance consumers attach to the characteristics of international tourist hotels. In addition, for the international tourism hotels in the establishment, investors can refer to the more significant feature factors as a reference for investment planning. The purpose of this study is to find out the pricing factors of Taiwan international tourist hotel, and to understand the pricing factors in Taiwan that are hot in the tourism market. What are the pricing factors that can attract tourists to come to spend, and analyze the factors that have a significant impact on house price prices. The industry can create added value, and despite the highly competitive tourism market, it can still rise against the trend.en_US
DC.subjectTourist Hotelen_US
DC.subjectHotel Priceen_US
DC.subjectHedonic Price Methoden_US
DC.titleResearch on Pricing Factor of Taiwan International Tourist Hotelen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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