博碩士論文 105453003 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-Chiang Chuangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著科技的進步與行動通訊的發達,網路直播變得更加便利,伴隨而來的是直播產業的蓬勃發展,其中更衍生出許多新的商機與應用,「網紅經濟」一詞更因直播平台的盛行而產生。現今兩大社群平台YouTube與Facebook為目前直播平台的領先者,在面臨眾多的直播平台競爭下,仍保持其領先的優勢,而兩大平台如何透過自身的優勢,在眾多業者中脫穎而出,是啟發研究的動機。 本研究主要以個案研究的方式,選擇YouTube與Facebook兩大社群龍頭作為研究的對象,並逐一以九宮格商業模式進行分析與歸納,找出其經營成功的關鍵因素,研究後歸納出的成功因素如下:一、兩大平台在社群網站中擁有龐大的社群用戶,使得直播服務能快速地展開;二、商業模式與產品市場定位明確,主打免費與社群為主的直播平台,受到用戶的青睞;三、與網路紅人的合作,引發話題與收看,繼而帶動直播觀看的熱潮。 儘管兩大社群平台因上述的三項關鍵成功因素,成為直播平台的領先者。而根據本研究的分析與歸納,目前或未來有意從事的直播平台業者,仍可依循上述關鍵成功因素做為經營的參考。首先藉由社群的運作,維繫平台與觀看直播用戶間的平台黏著度。接著再透過直播主在直播平台所扮演關鍵意見領袖(KOL)的角色,吸引更多用戶的觀看,藉此提高直播平台的觀看人數。最後則因直播的技術發展成熟,為了能夠帶給用戶不同的直播體驗,未來直播業者可在直播的過程中導入新的技術(如:AR、VR等),以便帶給用戶不同的直播體驗。最後綜整上述的研究與結論,提供給未來有意從事網路直播平台的業者做為參考與建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith the advancement of technology and the development of mobile communications, online live broadcasts have become increasingly important, leading to the booming development of the live broadcast industry as well as numerous business opportunities and applications. The term “Internet celebrity economy” came about due to the popularity of live broadcast platforms. Currently, the two major society platforms YouTube and Facebook are leading live broadcast platforms that manage to maintain their leading edge despite competition from many live broadcast platforms. “How these two platforms stand out from many others through their own advantage” was the motivation of this study. This study adopted the case study method as the research method with the two leading social networks "companies" YouTube and Facebook as research "objects", which each underwent analysis and summarization through Business Model Canvas in order to find the key factors contributing to business success. The key factors summarized in this study are as follows: 1. Both major platforms have large numbers of social network users with access to social network websites that make quick launches of live broadcast services feasible; 2. There is an explicit business model and product market positioning, featuring a free and social network-based live broadcast platform that has gained popularity among users; 3. Cooperation with Internet celebrities facilitates the generation of topics and increases viewership, thereby triggering a wave of live broadcast viewing. Although the two major social network platforms have become leading live broadcast platforms due to the three above-mentioned key success factors, according to the analysis and summarization in this study, operators planning to start a broadcast platform at present or in the future may use the above key successful factors as operational references. First, adherence between platform and live broadcast viewers can be maintained through social network operations, thus drawing more viewers to watch live broadcasts; with live broadcasters playing the role of the key opinion leader; KOL on the live broadcast platform, the number of live broadcast platform viewers can be increased. Finally, with the live broadcast technology development reaching maturity, in order to bring users a whole new live broadcast experience, future live broadcast operators may introduce new technologies during live broadcasts (such as AR, VR, etc.), so as to give viewers a whole new live broadcast experience. Finally, the summarized research and conclusions above shall serve as a reference and recommendations for operators planning to start an online live broadcast platform in the future.en_US
DC.subjectInternet celebrity economyen_US
DC.subjectBusiness Model Canvasen_US
DC.subjectkey success factorsen_US
DC.subjectkey opinion leaderen_US
DC.title網路直播平台經營模式分析 -以YouTube與Facebook為例zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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