博碩士論文 105457007 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShin-Ying Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract個人在組織內部建立的社會網絡,以及所累積的人力資本,可促進個人職涯成功,亦能提升組織績效,而過去與職涯成功相關的研究當中,較少基於華人社會文化較為謙虛保守的性格,從個人為出發點提出積極建立內部人際網絡、主動爭取職涯贊助的重要性。其次,傳統的師徒制功能,已經無法滿足現今個人在組織內部發展的需求,個人須主動辨識贊助者、並拿出優越的績效表現取得贊助者的肯定與信任,得到贊助者的推薦,將更有機會獲得職涯成功。故本研究主要探討職涯贊助對於個人在組織內部人際網絡與職涯成功的中介效果,期能幫助個人擺脫傳統文化思維,展現主動積極的態度與贊助者建立信任關係,進而獲得職涯成功;同時也期望透過職涯贊助的效果,為組織帶來發展人才、延續及保留組織內部的人力資本,確保人才競爭力。 本研究結果顯示,內部連結需透過職涯贊助的中介效果,才能對職涯成功帶來正向顯著的影響:(1)內部連結大小與職涯贊助存在正向關聯性;(2)職涯贊助與晉升次數存在正向關聯性;(3)職涯贊助與薪資成長幅度存在正向關聯性;(4)職涯贊助與職涯滿意度存在正向關聯性。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractA social network established by an individual within an organization and the accumulated human capital may not only promote individual career success, but also improve organizational performance. In the earlier studies related to this issue, there was less based on the conservatism of Chinese social culture, actively from individual perspective to establish internal network, and initiative the importunacy of career success. Furthermore, traditional apprenticeship has no longer satisfied the needs of individual development within the organization, the individual has to recognize the sponsors proactively, in order to gain more chances to win the career success by providing excellent performance and get the affirmation and trust together with the recommendation from the sponsors. This study mainly discuss the relationship between network inside of the organization and career success, with career sponsorship serving as a mediator. We hope that we can help individuals get rid of traditional cultural thinking, show positive attitude and establish trust relationship with sponsors, toward to the achievement of career success, in turns of enhance talent development, retain human capital within the organization, and ensure the competitiveness of talents. A two-phased survey was conducted in this research with 376 valid surveys. The critical findings of this thesis are as following: 1.Inter-organization connection has a significantly more positive effect on career sponsorship. 2.Career sponsorship has a significantly more positive effect on numbers of promotions. 3.Career sponsorship has a significantly more positive effect on salary growth range. 4.Career sponsorship has a significantly more positive effect on career satisfaction.en_US
DC.subjectnetwork theoryen_US
DC.subjectcareer sponsorshipen_US
DC.subjectcareer successen_US
DC.title組織內部網絡連結對職涯成功的影響 – 以職涯贊助為中介變項zh_TW
DC.titleThe study of the relationship between network inside of the organization and career success: The mediating effect of career sponsorshipen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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