博碩士論文 105552002 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYan-Kai Laien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract由於行動裝置的快速成長,人們使用行動裝置上網的習慣與日俱增。然而,現今還有許多的網站沒有加入Responsive Web Design等適合行動裝置的網頁設計,其原因可能歸咎於沒有資金或沒有人力。再者,製作行動版網站所需要的專業知識技術也遠比製作一般的電腦版網站還要高。這些沒有行動版的網站會讓使用者在行動裝置上操作困難,進而造成網站的曝光度下降和損失一些可能的商機。所以,擁有良好的行動版網站對於企業或機關是至關重要的。 為了達到讓任何人在沒有程式背景的情況下都能夠快速且簡單的製作行動版網站,因此本篇論文提出了一個Mobile Web Creator工具,使用者只需要透過建立網站、選取網頁Template並設定資料就可以創建一個行動版網站。網頁的Template透過組件化的方式可以讓使用者動態地新增或刪除系統提供的Web Component以增加網頁的多樣化。不僅如此,此工具還結合了本實驗室所開發的Web Data ETL(Extract-Transform-Load) System,讓使用者可以在任何半結構化的網頁中擷取有利用價值的資料,並透過API Endpoint的串接顯示在自己的網頁中。當電腦版網站的管理者透過Mobile Web Creator工具製作行動版網站時,可以利用Web Data ETL System去擷取原始網站中半結構化的網頁資料,並串接已產生的API Endpoint將資料顯示在自己的行動版網頁中。如此一來,管理者只需要維護一份電腦版的網頁資料,就可以同步的顯示在兩個不同版本的網站中。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractDue to the rapid growth of mobile devices, people′s habit of using mobile devices to access the Internet is increasing day by day. However, there are still many websites that do not have suitable design such as Responsive Web Design for mobile devices, and the reason may be due to lack of funds or manpower. Furthermore, creating a mobile website needs more expertise and programming skills than creating a desktop website. Lacking mobile version for websites will make it difficult for users to operate on mobile devices, which will decrease the exposure rate and lose enterprises some commercial possibilities. Therefore, it is very important for companies or organizations to have good mobile websites. In this paper we propose a Mobile Web Creator tool to enable anyone who has no programming knowledge to create a mobile website quickly and simply. Webpage templates can make users to dynamically add or delete pre-defined Web Components through componentized method, which increase the diversity of webpages. Not only to say, this tool is also combined with the Web Data ETL (Extract-Transform-Load) System developed by WIDM, allows users to extract useful data from any semi-structured webpages, and connects generated API endpoint to show data in mobile webpages. Using this tool to create a mobile website, the administrators of the desktop website can extract semi-structured webpages from the original website by the Web Data ETL System, and connect the API endpoint to show data in his mobile pages. In this way, the administrator only needs to maintain the data of desktop website which can be displayed in two different versions of the website synchronously.en_US
DC.subjectMobile Web Applicationen_US
DC.subjectWeb Data Extractionen_US
DC.subjectWebpage Templatesen_US
DC.subjectWeb Componentsen_US
DC.titleDesign and Implementation of Mobile Web Creator with Componentized Templatesen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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