博碩士論文 105553026 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYan-Si Lien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著網路科技的飛速進展,傳統的TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) 和UDP (User Datagram Protocol) 協議在面對某些高效能需求與網路環境變化時顯得難以滿足。儘管如此,對於許多已有的線上服務,它們大多數仍依賴這些傳統的傳輸協議運行,試圖進行協議升級或改變可能引發不小的風險和操作挑戰。這些風險和挑戰可能包括服務中斷、相容性問題、需要重建系統環境、甚至還有可能需要重新設計部分功能。面對這些挑戰,如何以更為平滑且風險較低的方式進行協議轉換或升級,成為了當前一項重要的議題。 在這篇論文中,我們提出了一種新的解決方案,透過建立一種基於QUIC (Quick UDP Internet Connections) 協議的代理架構,讓現有基於傳統傳輸協議的線上服務能夠無縫地透過QUIC協議進行資料傳輸,以此解決協議升級的風險與操作困難。 我們設計了一個客戶端代理和一個服務器代理,負責將傳統的傳輸協議封裝為QUIC協議,並在接收端進行解封裝。在這個過程中,服務端與客戶端都無需做出大的變動,大大降低了協議轉換的成本與風險。我們針對此架構進行了一系列深入且廣泛的實驗,包括在各種網路環境下以及不同的連線數量下進行測試,並以實際的DNS (Domain Name System) 查詢為例,對其效能進行了詳細的評估與分析。 我們的實驗結果顯示,當網路環境狀態良好,無延遲及無封包丟失的情況下,透過QUIC代理架構進行資料傳輸的效能可能稍微遜色於傳統的傳輸協議。然而,當網路環境存在延遲和封包丟失,尤其是當連線數量急劇增加時,我們的QUIC代理架構的效能大幅超越傳統的傳輸協議。這種在多種網路狀況和負載下的強大性能優勢,證實了QUIC代理架構的優越性,並表明其在解決網路傳輸問題上具有巨大的潛力。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAs the advancement of network technologies progresses rapidly, traditional transmission protocols such as TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and UDP (User Datagram Protocol) have shown limitations in meeting certain high-performance demands and adapting to changes in network environments. Despite this, a majority of existing online services still rely on these conventional transmission protocols, and attempting to upgrade or change them could introduce significant risks and operational challenges. These might include service interruptions, compatibility issues, the necessity to rebuild system environments, or even potential redesigns of certain functionalities. Addressing these challenges and finding a more seamless and less risky method for protocol transition or upgrade have become pertinent issues of today. In this thesis, we propose a novel solution to address these challenges. By establishing a proxy architecture based on the QUIC (Quick UDP Internet Connections) protocol, existing online services based on traditional transmission protocols can seamlessly transmit data via the QUIC protocol, thereby mitigating the risks and operational difficulties associated with protocol upgrades. We have designed a client proxy and a server proxy that encapsulate traditional transmission protocols into the QUIC protocol and decapsulate them at the receiving end. In this process, neither the server nor the client needs to undergo substantial changes, significantly reducing the costs and risks of protocol conversion. We have conducted a series of in-depth and extensive experiments on this architecture, including testing in various network environments and with different numbers of connections. Using actual DNS (Domain Name System) queries as an example, we have performed detailed evaluations and analyses of its performance. Our experimental results show that in a perfect network environment, with no delay and no packet loss, the performance of data transmission through the QUIC proxy architecture may be slightly less than that of the traditional transmission protocols. However, when the network environment involves delays and packet loss, especially when the number of connections dramatically increases, the performance of our QUIC proxy architecture substantially outperforms the traditional transmission protocols. This powerful performance advantage in various network conditions and loads attests to the superiority of the QUIC proxy architecture and indicates its immense potential in solving network transmission problems.en_US
DC.titleImplementation for the Performance Improvement of Traditional Transport Protocol Services by using QUIC-Proxy-Based Architecture and Its Effectiveness Analysisen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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