博碩士論文 105553029 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHsiao-Ting Hsuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著物聯網(Internet of Things;IoT)技術的快速發展,而衍生出了工業 4.0、智慧醫療、智慧居家等的智慧化服務,為了輕鬆部署物聯網裝置,使得這些智慧化的服務可以有效的實行在我們生活之中,目前已經有非常多種低耗能無線鏈結層協定,如:ZigBee、Thread 等,都支援網狀網路,雖然藍牙 5.0 也支援網狀網路,不過藍牙 5.0是採用泛洪式架構,利用簡單的廣播性質來達到裝置與裝置之間的溝通,如果網狀網路 的拓樸範圍越來越大就容易造成網路壅塞,加速能源的消耗,縮短網路的生命週期。 本論文研究的目的是建置一個分散式網路,並將裝置特徵值作最小值最大值正規化(Min-Max Normalization),再計算角色適合度量(Role Suitability Metric;RSM),RSM 值作為分散式網路形成的指標,分散式網路分為三個程序形成,第一個程序是節點發現程序,第二個程序是微網的形成,並根據 RSM 值挑選主節點(Master),最大值成為主節點,第三個程序則是分散式網路的形成,挑選中繼節點(Relay),結合兩個微網構成分散式網路,而分散式網路中只有主節點和中繼節點可以傳遞訊息,主要是改善泛洪式架構中重覆傳輸封包的特性,藉由減少裝置之間訊息的傳遞和網路壅塞的機率,延長網路生命週期,讓整個網路更穩定。 實驗結果顯示先將裝置特徵值作最小值最大值正規化,可以更精準地挑選合適的主節點與中繼節點,數值不受單位的影響而出現高低水平,可以藉由調整權重比例已符合實際的應用,例如:降低功耗的權重,以減少電量的消耗,增加電池的使用期限,讓網路生命週期延長。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith the rapid development of Internet of Things (IoT) technology, smart services such as Industry 4.0, smart health and smart home have been derived. In order to easily deploy IoT devices, these smart services can be effectively applied in our lives. Currently, there are already many kinds of low-energy wireless protocols, such as ZigBee and Thread, which support mesh networks. Although Bluetooth 5.0 also supports mesh networks, Bluetooth 5.0 uses a flood-based architecture that uses simple broadcast properties to communicate between devices. If the topology of the mesh network is larger, it will easily cause network congestion, accelerate energy consumption and shorten the life cycle of the network. This study in thesis intends to build a scatternet network and the device feature value is normalized to the minimum value (Min-Max Normalization), and then the Role Suitability Metric (RSM) is calculated. The RSM value is used as an indicator of the formation of a distributed network. The scatternet network is divided into three procedures. The first procedure is a node discovery procedure, the second procedure is the formation of the piconet that selects the master node according to the RSM value, and so the node with the maximum value becomes the master node, and the third procedure is the formation of a scatternet network that selects relay nodes and combines two piconets to form a scatternet network. Only the master node and the relay node can transmit messages in the scatternet network, this design which can mainly improve the characteristics of repeated transmission packets in the flooded architecture, extend the network life cycle and reduce the overall network stability by reducing the transmission of messages between devices and the probability of network congestion. The experimental results show that the device feature value is first normalized to the minimum value (Min-Max Normalization), which can be used to select the appropriate master node and relay node more accurately. The value is not affected by the unit and the level is high or low. Adjusting the weight ratio can be consistent with practical applications, such as: reducing the weight of power consumption to reduce power consumption, increase battery life, and extend the network life cycle.en_US
DC.titleRouting with Node′s Role Suitability Metric in Bluetooth Networksen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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