博碩士論文 105724005 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYa-Hsiu Fanen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近幾年,我國關於土地徵收之爭議事件時有所聞,許多皆係因徵收之程序不符合憲法對人民之權利保障而遭到社會大眾的質疑。由於土地徵收係對人民財產權之嚴重剝奪,故無論於徵收之任何階段,國家皆應遵守正當程序之要求,始能符合財產權之保障。 過去,我國對於徵收問題之探討,主要集中於徵收前以及徵收時之程序,對於徵收完成後,人民得主張的權利,少有著墨;而收回權,即為徵收完成後,人民得將其被徵收之土地取回之權利。 釋字第763號解釋,係我國少數針對收回權議題為憲法解釋者,其內容提及在徵收完成之後,政府仍負有定期通知人民被徵收土地使用情形之義務,否則即違反正當行政程序而無法符合憲法對人民之財產權保障。對此,本文以本號解釋為出發點,研究財產權保障之內容與限制,並論述土地徵收時應注意之財產權保障,分析收回權之憲法依據以及權利性質,並且一併探究行政機關在土地徵收時應遵守之正當行政程序。 為使土地徵收程序能符合正當行政程序的要求,在土地徵收完成後,國家按照釋字第763號解釋之意旨定期通知人民其被徵收土地之利用情形有其必要性。為建構完整之收回權保障體系,本文認為應對其行政程序為更詳細之規定,始得完整發揮收回權之功能,完善我國之徵收程序。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, controversial land expropriation cases have been frequently reported by the Taiwanese press. The expropriation processes were questioned by the public about their violation of the governments’ constitutional protection toward the property right. As the expropriation of land results in severe deprivation of people’s property, it is necessary for the government to obey the due process’s requirement in any stage of the expropriating procedure to justify their protection of the citizen’s property right. In the past, the government concern more about the execution or pre-execution stage of the expropriation rather than the right of redemption, the right to resume the property back, of the expropriated citizen in the post-execution stage. The Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 763 is one of the few constitutional interpretations that regards to the citizen’s the right of redemption. The interpretation states that after the expropriate execution, the government must inform the expropriated citizen about the usage of the property regularly. Otherwise, it will violate the due process in administrative procedures, and breach the will of the constitution to protect people’s property rights. Therefore, this study follows the Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 763 to research the property right protection and its limitation, specifying the remarks of property right protection in the interpretation to analyze the constitutional basis and characteristic of the the right of redemption, and finally, propose the due process of the expropriation to the executive organization. To meet the requirement of due process in administrative procedure, the government must follow the will of the Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 763 to notify the citizen periodically about the usage of the property. To comprehensively construct a protection system of redemption right, this study believed that a more detailed executive procedure ought to be established. With a founded system, the effect of the redemption right could be optimized, and the expropriation procedure of the government is complete.en_US
DC.subjectthe right of redemptionen_US
DC.subjectthe due process in administrative procedureen_US
DC.subjectland expropriationen_US
DC.subjectproperty righten_US
DC.subjectthe Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 763en_US
DC.titleA Study on the Right of Redemption to the Land Expropriation under the Property Right Protection and Its Due Process: Taking the Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 763 as an Exampleen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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