博碩士論文 105727003 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHui-Wen Panen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract2017年桃園大溪列為客家文化重點發展區之後,突顯客家在大溪發展的脈絡。南興為大溪各里之中,具有濃厚的客家文化之社區,隨著時間推進,被標示為客家社區的南興,在臺灣人口遷移的軌跡底下,吸納不同族群移住,社區進而成為多元族群的樣態。1980年代以前,南興為客家與閩南族群為主體的社區,伴隨著臺灣經濟結構的轉換,南興引吸來自花蓮與台東地區原鄉部落的原住民,這些移住到南興的「都市原住民」陸續在南興扎根,並在社區中形成兩個較為明顯的小型聚落。來自於異鄉的都市原住民與當地的客家居民在不同時期發展出不同的族群互動關係。 本研究欲探討南興社區族群互動的變化,透過訪談來理解不同時期的族群關係,藉由居民的社區參與互動過程,來解析社會資本的網絡、互惠及信任元素之形成與積累,進而描繪南興社區的社會資本。研究結果發現,原住民因經濟因素與族群網絡移動到南興,原客互動關係隨著居民接觸頻率有著不同的發展面貌;社區里長對於原客居民而言,為一個重要的網絡節點,並以社區公共事務的架構之下,提供結構機會讓原住民參與社區組織;原客族群透過信任、文化與情感的互惠交流,積累南興社區的社會資本。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe designation of Daxi District, Taoyuan City as a major Hakka cultural area in 2017 highlighted the context of Hakka culture in the development of Daxi District. Among all communites in Daxi District, Nanxing community features the richest atmosphere of Hakka culture. During the population migration in Taiwan, Nanxing community, widely considered a Hakka community, has attracted immigrants of different ethnicities and become a community of diverse races. Until the 1980s, Nanxing community was a community comprising primarily Hakka and Minnan people; following a shift in the economic structure of Taiwan, indigenous people from indigenous communities in Hualien and Taitung areas have moved into Nanxing community. These urban indigenous people have started their lives in Nanxing community and formed two distinct small groups in the community. Various cross-ethnicity interactions have been observed between these urban indigenous immigrants and local Hakka residents in different time periods. This study aimed to discuss how the cross-ethnicity interactions in Nanxing community changed through time and conducted interviews to explore the cross-ethnicity relationships at different stages. The community resident engagement and interaction were explored to analyze the formation and accumulation of networks, reciprocity, and trust in social capital, through which to depict the social capital in Nanxing community. According to the research results, the urban indigenous people moved to Nanxing community because of financial reasons and the ethnic network. The urban indigenous–Hakka interaction changed as the people come in contact with each other more frequently. The Chief of Village served as a crucial network node in the interaction and—under the framework of public affairs in the community—provided structural opportunities for the urban indigenous people to participate in the community organization. The social capital in Nanxing community was accumulated in the reciprocal exchanges of trust, culture, and emotions between urban indigenous and Hakka people.en_US
DC.subjectethnic relationsen_US
DC.subjectsocial capitalen_US
DC.subjecturban indigenous peopleen_US
DC.titleSocial Capital of Interaction between Aboriginal and Hakka Ethnic Groups: A Case Study of Nanxing of Daxi District Community Participationen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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