博碩士論文 105727006 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorPi-Te Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract目前,鉅量資料分析在企業界的應用日漸成熟,同時也帶動政府機關與公部門開始嘗試利用鉅量分析資料來提升施政績效與民意的反映。 本研究首先處理關於桃園市客家政策的關鍵字設定,其步驟先行選擇(桃園&客家)等關鍵字,接著,配合大數據搜尋引擎的探索概念、桃園市客家文化局對於市議會的工作報告,以及桃園市客家預算書所出現的關鍵字,進行布林邏輯運算。最後,將所有分析的數據,與專家學者的解讀進行對話,綜整出量測時間內對於桃園市客家政策的分析。 本研究針對桃園市客家政策的聲量趨勢、資料探勘、意見領袖與探索概念四大構面進行分析。在聲量趨勢方面,桃園市的客家政策峰值,多集中在政治人物在選舉過程中的承諾與政見;在資料探勘部分,傳播趨勢主要以桃園市客家文化局、桃園市客家事務局等公部門機構為主。在熱門頻道部分,則集中在紙風車劇團、徐薇老師臉書等;在網路好感度,桃園市客家政策網路好感度高達8。82,民眾肯定極高;不過在社群活躍度僅有1。14,這顯示關於客家政策主要還是以公部門發稿給媒體為主,未獲得社群媒體青睞;社群指數激增,顯示選舉仍是拉抬客家政策的萬靈丹。 接著,在桃園市客家政策的意見領袖部分,主要是以政治人物或意見領袖故事性的發文為主;最後,在網民關心桃園市客家政策的探索概念部分,則是集中在浪漫台灣現藝術季、戀戀魯冰花等活動。 經過大數據分析與專家學者對話後顯示,桃園市客家政策正評極高,值得肯定,可惜多半侷限在公部門及政治人物的拉抬。這顯示,桃園市客家政策的聲量小且好感度高,可以說是桃園市政府各項政策的「紅利區」,稍有投入就立刻取得滿意度極高的評價。如何讓桃園市客家政策向下紮根,讓民眾自發性的關心、並樂於分享,將是桃園市政府下一階段的挑戰。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAt present, the application of massive data analysis in the corporate world is becoming more and more mature, and at the same time, government agencies and public departments have begun to try to use massive analysis data to improve governance performance and public opinion. This research first deals with the keyword setting of the Hakka policy in Taoyuan City, and selects the keywords (Taoyuan & Hakka) first. Then, it cooperates with the exploration concept of the big data search engine and the report of the Taoyuan Hakka Cultural Bureau on the city council. As well as the keywords that appeared in the Hakka budget of Taoyuan City, perform Bollinger logic operations. Finally, dialogue with experts and scholars on all the analyzed data, and a comprehensive analysis of Hakka policies in Taoyuan City during the measurement period. This research analyzes the four major aspects of Hakka policy in Taoyuan City: volume trends, data exploration, opinion leaders and exploration concepts. In terms of volume trends, Taoyuan’s Hakka policy peaks are mostly focused on politicians’ commitments and political views during the election process; in the data exploration section, the communication trend is mainly based on the Taoyuan Hakka Cultural Bureau, Taoyuan Hakka Affairs Bureau and other public authorities. Institution-based. In the popular channel section, it is concentrated on the paper windmill tool group, teacher Xu Wei’s Facebook, on the Internet, the Hakka policy in Taoyuan City has a network favorability of 8。82, which is definitely very high; but the social activity is only 1。14 This shows that the Hakka policy is mainly based on the publication of the public sector to the media, which has not been favored by the social media; the rapid increase in the community index shows that the election is still a panacea to promote Hakka policy. Then, in the opinion leaders part of Taoyuan City’s Hakka policy, it is mainly based on politicians or opinion leaders’ story-telling posts; finally, in the exploration concept part of netizens caring about Taoyuan City’s Hakka policy, it focuses on the romantic Taiwan art season. ‘’Lianlian Lubinghua’’ and other activities. After big data analysis and dialogue with experts and scholars, it is shown that Taoyuan City’s Hakka policy is highly positive and worthy of recognition. Unfortunately, it is mostly limited to the promotion of the public sector and politicians. This shows that the Hakka policies of Taoyuan City have a low voice and a high degree of goodwill. It can be said to be a 「bonus zone「 for the various policies of the Taoyuan City Government. With a little investment, they immediately get a high degree of satisfaction. How to make Taoyuan City’s Hakka policy take root down and let the people spontaneously care and share will be the next stage of the challenge for Taoyuan City Government.en_US
DC.subjectMassive data analysisen_US
DC.subjectTaoyuan Cityen_US
DC.subjectHakka policyen_US
DC.subjectInternet volumeen_US
DC.titleBig data analysis of Hakka policies in Taoyuan Cityen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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