博碩士論文 105729002 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYun-Jing Hsuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在龍潭區的族群調查比例中發現,1956年至2011年間,客家族群在龍潭的比例從原先的80%降至59%,除了因為經濟起飛、交通建設完善後,人口遷移變得方便,其中一特殊原因是龍潭在戰後,當時干城五村的設立帶來三百多戶的雲南滇緬軍眷來此定居,亦逐漸有許多軍事機構搬遷至此或是營區在此駐軍,後期又有中山科學研究院及原子能委員會核能研究所在此成立,隨著這些機構而來的,是外省籍軍官的進入,因而稀釋龍潭客籍之比例。 而這些軍事機構在龍潭,當初為何搬遷至此?或為何在此建設?是戰略因素?還是其他考量?關於這些時間與空間之變化,為本研究欲處理之人地關係;這些外省族群進入客家農村後,對於在地之社會文化、飲食、宗教、產業、經濟與政治皆各自有所影響。 本研究利用文獻分析法,並輔以深度訪談法,藉由龍潭在地居民、文史工作者、軍事機構專職人員、民意代表及神職人員之生命經驗,對上述各面向深加探討,並在研究結果中發現,雖有多數研究指出,客家人性格保守較多被同化的案例,但在龍潭因為人口比例之關係,客籍遠高於外省籍,在地之外省族群受客家化的影響較為明顯一些,不論是語言、飲食及宗教上;而軍事機構進入之後,原為農村社會的龍潭也因此多了不少因應機構所需開設的行業、交通建設,且在政治行為上,因在龍潭為少數的外省族群,更加團結,在選舉上也占有一席之地。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn the proportion of ethnic groups in Longtan District, it was found that the proportion of Hakka ethnic group fell from 80% to 59% between 1956 to 2011. However, the period was not included the economic take-off and the improvement of traffic construction allowed people to move conveniently. The reason was that after the post-war in Longtan, the establishment of the five villages brought more than 300 households from Yunnan, Myanmar and Burma to settle down in Gancheng. After that, more and more military organizations moved to this place, moreover, the military camps came to station in this area too. Furthermore, both of Zhongshan Science The Institute of Nuclear Energy of the Institute and the Atomic Energy Commission were established in here. The reason of causing the proportion declined in Hakka ethnic group in Longtan was that Mainlander officers and institutions moved in. What was the reasons for these military institutions move to this place, and why build in here? Was it a strategy or other considerations? In this study, it is going to find out the changes in these time and space between the relationship of people and the people to deal with it. After these Mainlander ethnic groups entered into Hakka ethnic group, they had been influenced on Hakka’s culture, diet, religion, industry, economy and politics. This research is going to deeply explore the variety of aspects and studies by using the literature analysis method and the in-depth interviews to find out the life experiences in the local resident, cultural and historical workers, military personnel, public opinion representatives and clergy, Although, the results show that most studies pointed out the Hakka people are more conservative in the case of assimilation. Due to the proportion of population in Longtan, Hakka ethnic group is much higher than Mainlander. In addition, it is more obvious that the influence of localization on ethnic groups outside the province. Whether it is language, diet and religion; Longtan, rural society increased several industries and transportation constructions after the military institutions settled in. Moreover, because the minority in Longtan Hakka ethnic group have become more united and have a place in political election.en_US
DC.subjectLongtan Districten_US
DC.subjectmilitary institutionen_US
DC.titleThe study of the influence After the post-war in military institution to Hakka and Mainlander groups. An example of Longtan District,Taoyuan Cityen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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