博碩士論文 105729008 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChieh-Ju Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract1977年底的「五合一公職選舉」,國民黨在選舉中遭到遷臺後最大的挫敗,連同桃園縣在內,共有四位黨外人士當選該屆縣市長,並在選舉期間爆發「中壢事件」。中壢事件屬臺灣民主化歷程中的重大政治事件,發生於擁有過半客家人口的客庄小鎮,因此有眾多的客家人參與其中。過往大部分人均認為社會運動是由福佬族群所主導,客家族群在歷史的洪流中,則經常性的被忽略及遺忘乃至被曲解,甚至被給予保守、懦弱、退縮的族群標籤。學界過去對於中壢事件的討論也僅止於其對臺灣民主化的影響,未見以客家族群的角度去探討發生於客家庄的中壢事件。 因此本文藉由文獻分析法與深度訪談法,以客家族群的角度去探討其在中壢事件的角色及對桃園客家族群在政治發展上所帶來的衝擊。透過史料的整理與分析,先歸納出中壢事件發生的背景與經過,再利用半結構式的訪談,訪問事件發生當時的相關人士及地方公職人員等,輔以選舉資料探討其對桃園客家族群在政治上帶來哪些衝擊。 中壢事件改變了客家人在臺灣政治史上「順民」的意象,對民主政治的影響在於選舉公正性的提升,及黨外勢力的大集結,這股熱潮也在桃園的客家地區逐漸蔓延。藉由省議員、立法委員參選人得票數可以驗證,中壢事件後,桃園客家地區在黨外的參選人是有明顯增加的,非國民黨籍客家人在客家地區的得票數亦有逐年上升。中壢事件不僅是對臺灣民主化帶來重大影響,對桃園客家族群在政治發展上亦帶來直接的衝擊。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn 1977, Kuomintang(KMT) encountered the biggest frustration at the "Five-in-one Public Service Election" after moving to Taiwan that four non-party candidates were elected as the county mayor, including Taoyuan County, in the meantime, "Chungli Incident" erupted. The Chungli Incident is important political event for the process of Taiwan′s democratization, occurred in Hakka town where half of population is Hakkanese, therefore, there were numerous Hakkanese to be involved. In the past, the majority of people think that most of social movements are led by the Hoklo Taiwanese, in the current of history, Hakka are generally ignored, neglected and misunderstood even are labeled as a group those who are conventional, cowardly and flinches. So far, the discussions about the Chungli Incident in the academic field are limited to the impact merely on Taiwan′s democratization, while there haven’t been discussed from the aspect of Hakka yet As result of, this dissertation through the view of Hakkanese to explores how Hakka plays the role in Chungli Incident and influences political development by using methods of document analysis and depth interview. According to collation and analysis of historical data, firstly, generalize the background and process of Chungli Incident, and then use semi-structured interview to interview related people and local public officials those who have experienced Chungli Incident, supplemented with the election materials to research what does Hakka have the impact on political level The Chungli Incident changes the Hakka’s image of " peaceful populace " in the Taiwan’ political history and enhances the impartiality and fairness of election as the point of Democratic politics and results in non-party gathering. This tendency also gradually spreads in Taoyuan Hakka area. By the amount of votes for provincial council man and legislator candidates, after Chungli Incident, we can find out the number of non-party candidates is increasing in Taoyuan Hakka area and the amount of votes for non-KMT Hakka candidates is also rising year by year. On the whole, the Chungli Incident not only makes impressive strides in democratization and also causes the Taoyuan Hakka to have direct influences on development of politic.en_US
DC.subjectChungli Incidenten_US
DC.subjectHakka politicsen_US
DC.subjectnon-party movementen_US
DC.subjectTaoyuan Hakkaen_US
DC.titleChungli Incident to Taoyuan Hakka ethnic group political development researchen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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