博碩士論文 105757009 完整後設資料紀錄

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DC.creatorRuei-Jan Yuanen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract台灣天然漆產業的推廣始於日治時期的苗栗銅鑼,在台灣光復後,埔里逐漸取代苗栗銅鑼而成為台灣第一大產地。而埔里盆地明清時期的客家族群移民,受到土地資源的吸引,選擇居住環境較佳的地區開墾;而日治時期入墾的客家族群移民則是受到產業因素吸引,多沿著現在的台21線及147、131縣道分布,由於都是彎繞的山路,在盆地周圍的山麓,漆樹適合的生長環境就與埔里客家人居住的地方重疊在一起,有緊密不可分的關連。 在1959年日本與中共貿易斷交,造成生漆價格暴漲,一路漲到近800元的天價,採漆的生產者,收入相當豐厚,也因此造成大埔里地區的民眾大量投入種漆樹行列。然而從事天然漆工作是件相當辛苦的工作,在山區過著農耕經濟生活的客家人,又何其有幸能恭逢其盛,而客家族群吃苦耐勞、任勞任怨的堅毅「硬頸」精神,與珍貴的天然漆襯托下更顯可貴。 1986年台幣升值造成台灣傳統產業結構很大的衝擊,迫使勞力密集的傳統產業必須要跟著轉型,工資節節上漲,生漆價格直直落,又逢颱風橫掃台灣中部,及替代品化學漆的興起與檳榔樹轉種的取代,中國大陸、越南更便宜的天然漆競爭,一連串的打擊,天然漆產業也就一蹶不振。 天然漆向來被視為與客家緊密關聯的產業,目前埔里僅存一家與天然漆產業有關的博物館,為傳承台灣天然漆的歷史文化、發展史與現況繼續作紀錄,經營者正是來自苗栗的客家人,仍堅持到最後為守護漆文化產業而努力。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe promotion of Taiwan′s natural paint industry began in the Japanese rule of Miaoli bronze gong. After Taiwan’s recovery, Puli gradually replaced Miaoli gong and became Taiwan’s largest producer. However, the immigrants of the Hakka families in the Ming and Qing Dynasties of the Puli Basin were attracted by land resources, and they could choose to reclaim their land in a better living environment. The immigrants of the Hakka families who entered the Japanese colonial period were attracted by industrial factors and many of them were now Due to the winding mountain roads and the foothills around the basin, the suitable growth environment for the lacquer trees overlaps with the places where the Puli Hakkas live. There are inseparable connections. In 1959, Japan broke off diplomatic relations with the Chinese Communists, resulting in skyrocketing lacquer prices and skyrocketing prices of nearly 800 yuan. Producers of painters have a very substantial income, which has caused the people in the Da Puli area to invest heavily in lacquer trees. However, working in natural lacquer work is a very difficult job. Hakka people who lived in the mountainous region and lived in economic life have the privilege of meeting their prosperity, and the Hakka group′s hard-working, hard-working spirit of hardiness and preciousness. Natural lacquer is even more valuable. The appreciation of Taiwan’s currency in 1986 caused a large impact on Taiwan’s traditional industrial structure. Forced labor-intensive traditional industries must follow the transition, wages rose steadily, lacquer prices went straight, and typhoons swept through central Taiwan, and the rise of alternative chemical lacquer. In contrast to the replacement of the betel nut tree, the cheaper natural paint competition in mainland China and Vietnam, and a series of crackdowns, the natural paint industry is in a slump. Natural paint has always been regarded as an industry closely associated with Hakka. At present, there is only one museum in Puli related to the natural paint industry. It continues to record the history, culture, development history and current status of Taiwan′s natural paint. The operator is from Miaoli. The Hakka people still insisted on working hard to protect the cultural industries of the paint. Keywords: Natural Paint, Puli, Hakka Group.en_US
DC.titleResearch in Puli Natural Paint Industryen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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