博碩士論文 105757016 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorFu-Mei Pengen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文研究的方言點廣西省柳城縣沙埔鎮位於廣西壯族自治區中部偏北,柳城縣是一個少數民族聚集的地區,境內居住有漢、瑤、壯、苗等二十多個民族。廣西客家方言是隨著客家先民的遷入而逐漸形成的,因為特殊的地理位置和歷史原因,使得語言資源十分豐富,多語言的交會融合之下,形成本區客家話不同於其它地區客家話的特色。本文以沙埔客家話的音韻為研究主軸,以田野調查實際蒐集當地的語音和詞彙,力圖整理出目前沙埔鎮的客家方言語音系統及語音演變狀況。並且對於詞彙做進一步的探討,觀察沙埔客家話詞彙使用習慣,與祖居地及鄰近同屬桂柳官話區的融水縣懷寶鎮、融安縣大將鎮客家話以及底層語詞彙之間的一致性和差異性。 全文分為六章,第一章為緒論,說明研究動機、研究目的、研究方法,並輔以相關文獻回顧。第二章梳理沙埔客家話的語音系統,對語音系統進行說明,介紹聲、韻、調系統和連讀變調、文白讀的特色。第三章透過沙埔客家話語音與中古音韻的縱向比較,將沙埔鎮客家話與中古音韻做出歷時的比較,觀察聲韻調今讀分化情況,檢視其歷時音變現象。第四章綜合第三章客家話的研究基礎,分析沙埔鎮客家話的聲韻調語音特點。第五章為詞彙的比較,比較的對象包括祖居地廣東河源及鄰近同屬桂柳官話區的融水縣懷寶鎮、及融安縣大將鎮客家話。第六章為結論,交代本文研究成果,並提出檢討與建議之處。 透過研究結果顯示,沙埔鎮客家話在語音的演變上有存古的保留,也有創新變化的部分。聲母方面特點有(1)部分非組、知組字保留了「古無輕唇音」、「古無舌上音」的特點。(2)古知莊章大多向精組合流讀成舌尖前音、、,僅有少數知章組字讀舌葉音、、。(3)古精、見曉組分尖團。(4)泥來有別,分別讀作-、-;(5)日母保留鼻音聲母讀音。(6)曉、匣母字開口讀有-,合口讀-、-,也有少數讀同群母塞音的存古層次-、-。(7)其中部分合口字與影母合口字的唇齒擦音-,已變讀為-。(8)疑母字與不同韻攝相拼聲母音讀較為多元。(9)保留完整輔音韻尾-、-、-,-、-、-。韻母方面的特點有(1)沙埔客家話保留一二等:元音對應。(2)果攝一等與效攝一二等韻母形式屬於豪、肴韻合流,歌、豪韻有別的類型。(3)果、山、宕三攝部分開合口字有合流情形,主要元音皆為。(4)遇、蟹、宕、山攝有合口字朝開口化發展的現象。(5)遇攝合口組非組字的「武、舞」二字有成音節鼻音讀音。(6)在臻攝開口發現一些有合口成分的例外字。聲調部分包括次濁聲母的聲調演變現象。詞彙方面觀察到,由於不同語言的接觸影響後,沙埔客家話的詞彙有的保留客家話存古用法,有部分來自語言接觸下而產生的借詞,也有存在少數民族語言的底層語詞彙。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe dialect point studied in this paper is located in Sha-Pu Town, northcentral of Guangxi Province. It is a multi-ethnic gathering district. Besides three main nationalities, i.e. Han, Zhuang and Yao, it still has many minority nationalities. Hakka in Sha-Pu belongs to Han ethnic group. The paper takes actual survey method to study voice system and voice evolvement phenomenon of Hakka in Sha-Pu Town and understand the historical phonological features and experienced phonological changes of Sha-Pu Hakka dialect. Furthermore, it takes further discussion for its vocabularies. There are six chapters in this study. The first chapter is introduction. It illustrates the motive and purpose of choosing Sha-Pu as study subject, method of study and steps. It reviews the relative studies and briefly explains the history and geographic overview of Sha-Pu. The second chapter is the system of Sha-Pu Hakka. It illustrates Sha-Pu Hakka ’s voice, rhyme, tone system, and features of tone sandhi and Literary and colloquial readings. The third chapter is the comparison of Sha-Pu Hakka and middle age tone. It puts the Sha-Pu Hakka into the history of phonology. The fourth chapter is the special features of Sha-Pu Hakka. It is also a review of first three chapters. It reviews initials, finals and tones in order to discuss the Sha-Pu Hakka’s language situation and change mechanism. The fifth chapter is the discussion of Sha-Pu Hakka vocabularies. It compares with other dialect points includes He-Yuan Hakka, Huai-Pau Hakka,Da-Jiang Hakka and Liuzhou Mandarin. Through comparison with surrounded dialect and underlying language’s vocabularies, it is able to review Hakka’s special vocabularies in Sha-Pu.The sixth chapter is the conclusion of this study. It concludes the phonology features and vocabularies features of Sha-Pu Hakka. It also reviews the shortage of this research and proposes the suggestions and directions for future Sha-Pu Hakka research. According to the research results, the Hakka dialects in Sha-Pu have preserved the ancient voices and also have innovative changes. (1)For some part of words from Fei group and zhi group keep the ancient tradition for stress on lip sound, and sounds from top of tongue, (2) Nowadays the second level of Zhi group, Jing group and Zhuang group to be combined together to pronounce“ 、、”sound. Just a few of words from the third level of the Zhi group and Zhang group pronounce as post-alveolar“ 、、 ”. (3) The phenomenon of palatalization doesn’t exist in Jing ,Jian and Xiao group .(4) There are differences for the words between Ni and Lai initial groups, both of them will not be confused with each other and read as -、-。 (5) Some words from the Jih group retain nasal pronunciation.(6) The words from Hsiao、Jia initial groups pronounce with the sound “-、-、-、k- and k”. (7) A small part words of voiced dental fricative - have been changed to - sound. (8) The pronunciation of the Yi initial is more diverse. (9) There is a complete preservation as to tail consonant of auxiliary sound“-m,-n,-,-p,-t,-k”. Finals include : (1) Correspondence of level I and level II o:a vowels. (2) The first level of Xiao classifier and the first and the second level of Yau classifier belongs to Hao、Yao . (3) Opening phenomena for round-mouth characters.(4) Syllabication nasal sound ‘’in Fei group . (5) The finals in the first and third level of Zhen classifier opening mouth with the form of closing mouth sounds pronounce as “-un” or “-iun”. The tone part includes tone evolvement phenomena of secondary voiced sound. Comparing Sha-Pu Hakka with other dialects,because of the influence of different language contact, some vocabularies of the Sha-Pu Hakka dialect still retain the Hakka dialect, but some borrow from others, and have the underlying vocabulary of minority languages.en_US
DC.subjectSha-Pu Hakka dialecten_US
DC.subjectVoice Featuresen_US
DC.subjectHistorical comparisonen_US
DC.subjectPhonetic Evolution and Phonological Featuresen_US
DC.subjectVocabulary Comparisonen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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