博碩士論文 106123001 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYan-Bo Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract2014年,獲頒諾貝爾文學獎的法國作家派屈克.蒙迪安諾 (Patrick Modiano),作品常以二次大戰德軍占領法國時期為背景,圍繞著「回憶」和「找尋」等主題;擅長描寫形跡可疑的小人物,生活在大時代中身不由己的處境。 此論文的研究主題-「 敘事、私密性與魅影空間」,以蒙迪安諾的第二十五部小說《在青春迷失的咖啡館》為研究對象,透過敘事結構、敘事主題與地理空間等面向探討蒙迪安諾如何透過身分撲朔迷離的人物,在其鉅細靡遺呈現的巴黎街道與地鐵站等地理空間中,與他們深邃的內心世界交織交疊。 論文首章嘗試以文本的類型,並就敘事架構與敘事時間進行分析。從文本中的角色形塑與人物彼此間的互動情境,不難發現與作者的生命歷程多有相似,且敘事線以調查女主角的行蹤開展,使得文本具有自傳性和偵探小說色彩;尤其四位敘事者以巴黎為場景,漫遊式的敘事捕捉女主角露琪游移於咖啡館、旅店和街道間的蹤跡。第二章將探討作家運用的修辭技巧及寫作風格,其時而詩意時而「魅影」幢幢的修辭在敘事時間斷續的效果下,營造人物游移於真實與虛幻間的曖昧不明與不安氛圍。 文本中的人物經常以藏匿身分來謀求生存,在第三章中本研究將從姓名的角度分析角色的內心世界。最末第四章將以文本中巴黎的意象為核心透過內在私密記憶與地理空間的綰結交錯,巴黎如同一層又層的「隱跡文本」(palimpseste)。在記憶與內在心理的驅動下,人物如鬼魅般游移於城市空間裏,也如同記憶、身分與追尋等主題,始終不停地縈繞在作者多部作品裏,相互對話、彼此呼應。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe object of our thesis research was In the Café of Lost Youth, a novel by Patrick Modiano published in 2007. As in most of his works, toponyms of Paris are the ubiquitous thematic core of this novel. Modiano characters frequently recall the past by recalling a topographical clue which is essential for understanding the character’s role in order to find a reference point in their vague memory. Just as he said in his Nobel lecture at the Swedish Academy, "Themes of disappearance, identity, and the passing of time are closely bound up with the topography of cities." In the first chapter, we study the narration and the generic triptych that we can discern in the novel. By examining the structure and the various devices used in the work, we can see elements of mixed detective novels, stories of promenades and urban adventures, as well as autobiographical novels. We try to classify the novel by comparing it with these three genres. Then, in the second chapter we draw out the recurrence of metaphor and the note of melancholy in the writing of this novel. What writing strategies were used in this multi-voiced story ? And for what aesthetic effects ? We note certain terminology dictated by the central theme of the phantom which create moody and dreamlike effects with his terse style. How do all these writing strategies contribute to the aesthetic of vagueness and to the hazy nostalgia that infuses the narrative and captures the intangible and elusive qualities of memory. In the third chapiter, we question the "patronym" and the "pseudonym" behind which the characters hide and then study their role in their search for identity. How does Patrick Modiano conceive of himself in this story ? Isn’t it by inventing an imaginary identity and by assuming it reinventing himself ? In the way this novel reverberates with the author’s other works on the common themes of memory, identity, and the search for one’s self. Le Condé, the Café of Lost Youth, is considered a precarious refuge for young guys without direction. Modiano, like a landscape architect, builds his Paris to show it to his readers and to dazzle them with it. In the final chapter, we use certain notions of space, for example the concept of Non-Place coined by Marc Augé, the concept of Psychogeography invented by situationist Ralph Rumney, and the urban-walking practice known as the dérive of Guy Debord to analyse the interaction between the spaces traveled by their wanderings in Paris and the intimate spaces—memory—of the roles. en_US
DC.title派屈克.蒙迪安諾《在青春迷失的咖啡館》 : 敘事、私密性與魅影空間之研究zh_TW
DC.titleL’espace narratif, intime et fantomatique dans Dans le café de la jeunesse perdue de Patrick Modianoen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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