博碩士論文 106124003 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本文主要探討歐洲女權先鋒,前蘇聯成立初期著名的女革命家柯崙泰,在《新婦女論》中論述女性主義觀點及婦女解放運動理論,並佐以馬克思社會主義發展理論,解構二十世紀初期的父權制資本主義制度,爭取階級和性別的解放,最後本文審視了傳統馬克思主義女性主義在前蘇聯和中國二十世紀中葉改革推行的共產社會主義婦女政策的實踐。 《新婦女論》首先以豐富的歷史材料,說明了婦女陷於被壓迫地位的原因,特別指出婦女地位由她們的經濟職務決定,探討在前資本主義時代婦女在女性受壓迫的問題上,由原始共產社會的無知到奴隸社會、封建社會和私有財產制下淪為男性私有財產的附屬性,以及最後到了資本主義社會制度下的壓榨與剝削,層層的壓迫就是婦女無法得到解放的根源,其次提出婦女解放運動的理念,來喚醒俄羅斯婦女意識,投入社會革命和國家建設以建立全新的共產社會制度,後段則以論述勾勒出其烏托邦社會理想,在未來蘇聯家庭、公有制與共產政府下新婦女生活的婚姻以及家庭制度、兩性關係與國家對母職的保障。 文末,探討二十世紀中期,中國共產黨成立全國婦女聯合會,捍衛婦女權益促進男女平等,對婦女加以組織發動婦女解放運動,發行第一個國家級婦女刊物《新中國婦女》,宣傳蘇聯婦女政策來動員中國婦女,投入社會運動參與政治公眾事務,修訂頒布〈中華人民共和國婚姻法〉改革傳統婚姻與家庭關係,及推動計畫經濟、人民公社和婦女參與生產活動方式。 另外,因為本論文也將要論及柯崙泰的馬克思主義女性主義在中國大陸實踐的狀況,或許本論文副標題改為馬克思主義女性主義與實踐概論較為恰當些。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn this thesis we will talk about one of the famous female revolutionary, Kollontai Alexandra, who was also one of the feminist pioneer in the early days of the former Soviet Union. She discussed feminist views and theories of the women’s liberation in the "New Women". We will combine Marxism of social development to deconstruct the patriarchy, capitalism system which strives for the liberation of class and gender in the early 20th century.At the end of this thesis will examine the practice of the Communist Socialist women policy implemented by traditional Marxist feminism in the former Soviet Union and China in the mid-twentieth century. The "New Women" provides lots of historical materials to explain the reasons for the oppression of women. It especially points out the status of women was determined by their economic positions. According to the history, we know that from the ignorance of the communist society to the feudal society, when female became private property, then to the capitalist social system, endless exploitation of female, are the reasons that women are inability to be liberated. Second, she puts forward the concept of the women’s liberation to awaken Russian women to invest in social revolution and national construction establish a brand-new communist social system. In the last half, it brings out its utopian social ideals. Included the marriage and family system of women’s life, gender relationship and the state’s protection of motherhood under the Soviet families, public ownership and communist government, in the future. Last, we will back to the mid-twentieth century, when the Chinese Communist Party established the National Women’s Federation to defend women’s rights and promote equality between both genders. They organized women to launch liberation movements and published the first national female periodical, “New Chinese Women”, promoted Soviet women′s policies among Chinese women to encourage them engage in social movements and political public affairs. Furthermore, they amended and promulgated the "Marriage Law of the People′s Republic of China" to reform traditional marriage and family relations. We will see how they promoted the planned economy, people′s communes and women′s participation in production activities as well. In addition, since this thesis will also discuss the practice of Kollontai Alexandra, Marxist Feminism in mainland China, perhaps the subtitle of this thesis is changed to Introduction to Marxist Feminism and Practice.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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