博碩士論文 106127008 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorJui-Tzu, Fanen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在高等學歷通膨化、大學趨向職業訓練所的今日,「有用」成為了臺灣高等教育課程最重要的發展指標,但這樣的高等教育是否能夠幫助學子們擁有足夠的智慧與堅強的心靈面對這不斷快速變動的世界?本研究旨在尋找未來高等教育課程的新想像,而相較於目前多數大學高度的學科專業化,體制外學習型組織「教育曠野藝類大學」透過游牧式學習旨在實踐「教育是成人之美」。 故本研究透過質性取向的案例研究法,以學員身份深入參與觀察曠野藝類大學之榮格學年運作,並與創辦人暨主要教師進行半結構式深入訪談,以及回顧教育曠野創立十年來的文本紀錄。期許透過深入了解曠野藝類大學能夠激發更多關於高等教育課程的思辨與啟發,並回應研究問題中所提及的:曠野藝類大學的游牧式學習精神為何?其如何實踐與展開游牧式的學習與對話?以及游牧式學習,對於未來高等教育課程能夠有哪些啟發與想像? 研究後可發現,在曠野藝類大學的游牧式學習運作中,透過師生互為主體的去中心化,以及藝術、文學、哲學、詩學、心理學等學科邊界模糊、且去競爭化的深度思辨,來讓學生習得「審美的判斷力」、發展「心靈的能力」與獲得「藝術的慰藉」,進而發展出更完整的個人世界觀。本研究透過深入了解曠野藝類大學實際運作的歷程樣貌,並非試圖取代既有高等教育,而是期許從中激發更多對於未來高等教育課程的積極想像。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractToday, with the inflation of higher education and universities tending to be vocational training institutes. "Usefulness" has become the most valuable development indicator of Taiwan′s higher education courses, but whether such higher education helps students have enough wisdom and a strong spirit to face this ever-changing world? This research aims to find new imaginations for future higher education courses. Compared with the significant disciplines specialization of most universities, the non-institutional learning organization " Educational Wilderness Arts+ University" aims to practice "education helps somebody fulfill himself or herself" through nomadic learning. Therefore, this research uses the qualitative-oriented case study method to participate in the observation of the "Jung academic year" operation of the Arts+ University as a student, conduct semi-structured in-depth interviews with the founder and main teachers, and review the texts of the ten years since the founding of the educational wilderness record. It is hoped that through an in-depth understanding of Arts+ University, more speculation and inspiration on higher education courses can be encouraged, and the answer to the research question mentioned: What is the nomadic learning spirit of Wilderness Arts+ University? How does it practice and develop nomadic learning and dialogue? And can future higher education courses find inspiration and imagination from nomadic learning? After research, it can be found that in the nomadic learning in Arts+ University, through teachers and students both as the main subject of learning to decentralization, as well as deeply exploring blurred disciplines such as art, literature, philosophy, poetics, and psychology to cultivate students to acquire "aesthetic judgment", develop "spiritual ability" and obtain "console with the art", then develop a more complete personal worldview. This research does not try to replace the existing higher education but hopes to arouse more positive imaginations about future higher education courses through an in-depth understanding of the actual operation of Wilderness Arts+ University. en_US
DC.subjectEducational Wildernessen_US
DC.subjectArts+ Universityen_US
DC.subjectNomadic learningen_US
DC.subjectTroubadour of knowledgeen_US
DC.subjectFuture higher educationen_US
DC.titleEducational Wilderness Arts+ University: Future Higher Education Imagination of Nomadic Learningen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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