博碩士論文 106155002 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorCHANG, PANen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract羅家倫是民國時期之新知識分子,為五四運動之學生領袖之一,求學階段創辦《新潮》雜誌,海外留學歸國後,他前後擔任清華大學與中央大學的校長,而後擔任西北建設考察團團長及新疆監察使,在中國大陸西北為期近九個月的考察期間,完成《西北建設考察團報告》,為國民政府抗戰時期開發西北的重要文獻。羅家倫在這一份考察報告中提出了一整套建設西北的計畫,指出建設西北需要有安定的環境,特別強調鞏固國防經濟、發展教育和團結民族的重要性。   此外,羅家倫在這近九個月的西北考察過程中,亦表現出他對歷史人文的深切關懷,他考察期間創作的詩集《西北行吟》,內容包括讚嘆大西北壯麗風情、感懷古今西域歷史人物,並流露出當時抗戰背景下的愛國情懷,表現出濃厚的民族情懷,可謂是以詩佐史。   本文章節架構安排,除緒論與結論外,正文分為三個章節。第一章,介紹羅家倫的生平概述,了解國民政府抗戰時期對於西北開發建設的歷史背景,整理當時代的西北考察的團體,並探討羅家倫所帶領的「西北建設考察團」的組建及歷程。第二章,透過羅家倫等著的《西北建設考察團報告》及羅家倫於西北考察時間所寫的日記、函札來細部探討考察團對於西北地區之國防經濟、教育掄才、團結民族等三大方面的具體藍圖與論述。第三章,討論羅家倫在考察期間所著《西北行吟》詩集描繪的自然民俗風情,歷史人物感懷及愛國抗戰思想。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractLuo Jialun, a new intellectual of the Republican period, was one of the student leaders of the May Fourth Movement. After returning to China from his overseas study, he served successively as the President of Tsinghua University and Central University, followed by being the head of the Northwest Construction Investigation Group and Supervisor of Xinjiang. During a close to nine months’ investigation in Northwest China, he completed the Report of the Northwest Construction Investigation Group, which became an important document of the Nationalist Government for the development of the Northwest during the War of Resistance. In this investigation report, Luo proposed a whole set of plans for the construction of the Northwest, pointing out that constructing the Northwest required a secure environment, emphasizing in particular the importance of consolidating national defense and the economy, developing education, and uniting the nation.   In addition, during his close to nine months’ Northwest investigation mission, Luo also showed his deep concern for history and culture. During his investigation, he produced a poetry collection, Odes on the Journey to the Northwest, whose contents include his admiration for the spectacular customs and habits of the Great Northwest and his emotional recall of past and present historical figures of the Western Regions, and display the patriotic feelings he expressed against the background of the then War of Resistance, which showed deep national sentiments. This work can thus be described as bearing witness to history through poetry.   This paper is structured as follows. Except for the introduction and conclusion, the main body is divided into three chapters. Chapter 1 gives a brief overview of Luo Jialun′s life, strives to understand the historical background of the development and construction of the Northwest by the National Government′s during the War of Resistance, collates the various Northwestern investigation groups at that time, and investigates the formation and progress of the “Northwest Construction Investigation Group” headed by Luo. Chapter 2, based on the Report of the Northwest Construction Investigation Group by Luo Jialun et al., and Luo’s diary and correspondences written during the Northwest investigation, explores the concrete blueprint of and discourse on three main aspects of the Northwest region, namely, national defense and the economy, education and selection of talents, and uniting the nation. Chapter 3 discusses the natural folklore and customs, Luo’s emotional recall of historical figures, and his patriotism and thoughts on the War of Resistance depicted in his poetry collection, Odes on the Journey to the Northwest, written during the period of investigation.en_US
DC.subjectLuo Jialunen_US
DC.subjectNorthwest investigationen_US
DC.subjectReport of the Northwest Construction Investigation Groupen_US
DC.subjectOdes on the Journey to the Northwesten_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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