博碩士論文 106221021 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorJia-Yu Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在藉由BookRoll學習系統去探討學生的線上學習行為、二十一世紀關鍵能力與計算性思維以及微積分成績之間的相互關係,二十一世紀關鍵能力中包含了批判性思維、問題解決、溝通能力、團隊合作與創造性思維,並運用SEM結構方程模型分析探討學生二十一世紀關鍵能力與計算性思維、線上學習行為和微積分成績之間的關係。 研究對象為中央大學109學年度大學部有修習微積分課程之學生共938名,以該名學生施測之問卷結果為主要資料。本研究編制一份用於測量學生的二十一世紀關鍵能力與計算性思維之問卷於會考時間進行施測。藉由問卷資料和學生在線上學習系統的瀏覽紀錄資料與學業修習狀況進行統計數據分析,統整出二十一世紀關鍵能力與計算性思維、線上學習行為和微積分成績之間的相互關係。 結果發現,學生的二十一世紀關鍵能力與計算性思維對於學生的微積分成績為顯著正相關;學生的線上學習行為對於學生的微積分成績為顯著正相關;但在學生的二十一世紀關鍵能力與計算性思維對於學生的線上學習行為方面為無顯著相關,故我們可以藉由學生的二十一世紀關鍵能力與計算性思維以及學生在BookRoll系統的線上學習行為去預測學生的學習成效。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this research is to explore the online learning behaviors of the BookRoll learning system, the relationship between 5C abilities in the 21st century and computational thinking, and calculus students. The 5C abilities of the 21st century can generate critical thinking, problem-solving, communication skills, collaboration and creativity, and use SEM conceptual model analysis to explore the relationship between students′ 5C abilities and computational thinking, online learning behavior and calculus. The research object is a total of 938 students who have taken calculus courses in the 109th academic year of National Central University. The main data is the result of the questionnaire conducted by the student. In this study, a questionnaire to measure students′ 5C abilities in the 21st century and computational thinking was developed and tested during the examination time. Analyze statistical data based on the questionnaire data, the browsing record data of the students′ online learning system, and the academic study status to unify the relationship between 5C abilities in the 21st century and computational thinking, online learning behaviors, and calculus performance. The results found that students’ 5C abilities in the 21st century and computational thinking are significantly positively correlated with students’ calculus scores ; online learning behavior is significantly positively correlated with students′ calculus scores ; but students’ 5C abilities in the 21st century and computational thinking are not significantly correlated with students’ online learning behavior. Therefore, we can use students’ 5C abilities in the 21st century and computational thinking and the online learning behavior in the BookRoll system to predict the learning effectiveness of the students.en_US
DC.subject5C abilities in the 21st century and computational thinkingen_US
DC.subjectonline learning behavioren_US
DC.subjectcalculus scoreen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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