博碩士論文 106326018 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorDong-Hun Wuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究利用實驗室規模流體化床氣化反應系統,進行廢車破碎殘餘物衍生燃料(ASR-RDF)與漿紙污泥衍生燃料(PMS-RDF),共同氣化轉換能源之可行性探討,試驗過程控制當量比(equivalence ratio, ER) 0.3、氣化溫度700°C,及改變不同PMS-RDF摻混比例(100:0、83:17、67:33及56:44)。為進一步評估氣化過程污染物的排放特性,試驗過程亦添加5%~15%之Ca(OH)2於ASR衍生燃料,期進一步探討ASR衍生燃料氣化過程含氯污染物去除之效率。根據共同氣化之產氣結果可知,100% ASR衍生燃料氣化產生之合成氣,平均含量約為 3.39 vol.%,合成氣之產氣熱值,則約介於0.37~0.68 MJ/Nm3。然當與漿紙污泥衍生燃料共同氣化反應,其中添加33%之漿紙污泥衍生燃料(67:33),其合成氣平均含量約可增加至5.11 vol.%,產氣熱值亦約可增加至0.64~1.59 MJ/Nm3,此係協同效應增加ASR之產能效率。此外,隨著摻配漿紙污泥衍生燃料比例之增加,對於氣相產物之氯含量,約可從0.28 ppm降低至0.06 ppm,去除效率約可達到78.6%。另外,添加Ca(OH)2於ASR衍生燃料之氣化試驗結果顯示,其對能源轉換效率之增加效果較不顯著,然當添加10%Ca(OH)2時,其氣相產物之氯含量,約可從0.28 ppm降低至0.1 ppm,去除效率約可達到64.3%。整體而言,ASR衍生燃料與漿紙污泥衍生燃料共同氣化,有利於提升能源轉換效率及合成氣含量,並有效抑制合成氣之HCl濃度,提升ASR轉換能源應用之可行性,本研究成果將可提供未來ASR共同氣化處理技術選擇之參考zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis research investigates feasibility of co-gasification of automobile shredder residue derived fuel (ASR-RDF) and paper mill sludge derived fuel (PMS-RDF). The conversion energy experiments were controlled at equilibrium ratio (ER) 0.3, gasification temperature 700°C, and ASR-PMS amended ratio (100:0, 83:17, 67:33, 56:44). To further discuss the air pollutants containing chlorine removal efficiency, Ca(OH)2 was used as the amendment to adjust 5%-15 wt.% in ASR and to capture the chloride derived from in-situ ASR gasification. The producer gas composition, product distribution, energy yield efficiency, pollutants containing chlorine partitioning characterization were all evaluated in this research. Based on the analysis results of produced gas composition in co-gasification, the syngas composition produced from 100% ASR-RDF was 3.39 vol.% in average. The heating value of syngas was approximately ranged between 0.37 MJ/Nm3 and 0.68 MJ/Nm3. However, in the case of 33% PMS-RDF addition (i.e. 67:33 amended ratio), the syngas composition was significantly increased to 5.11 vol.% in average. The heating value of syngas was also increased ranged from 0.64 to 1.59 MJ/Nm3. This is the synergistic effect on the enhancement of syngas heating value produced from ASR gasification. The chlorine concentration of the syngas was decreased from 0.28 ppm to 0.06 ppm with the PMS-RDF addition increasing. The chlorine removal efficiency was approximately 78.6%. On the other hand, in the case of adding 15% Ca(OH)2, the enhanced energy conversion efficiency was insignificantly in ASR gasification. However, the chlorine concentration of the syngas could also decrease from 0.28 ppm to 0.1 ppm with the Ca(OH)2 addition increasing. The chlorine removal efficiency was also reached to 64.3%. In summary, the results obtained from this research could provide the good information on enhanced the energy conversion efficiency, syngas composition, and inhibiting of the HCl concentration produced in co-gasification of ASR and PMS. It is also proved the amended Ca(OH)2 in ASR-RDF could effectively reduce the HCl emission in ASR gasification. Therefore, the results of this research could provide the technological considerations of selection in ASR co-gasification in the future.en_US
DC.subjectAutomobile shredder residueen_US
DC.subjectpaper mill sludgeen_US
DC.subjecthydrogen chlorideen_US
DC.subjectheavy metalen_US
DC.title廢車破碎殘餘物與漿紙污泥共同氣化 之可行性研究zh_TW
DC.titleFeasibility study on co-gasification of automobile shredder residue and paper mill sludgeen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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