博碩士論文 106353008 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYi-Ching Wuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文主要探討為車用液晶顯示器光學品質和信賴性的提升。分別針對汽車在使用液晶顯示器的中控台來進行3個研究重點探討。首先,探討緩衝膠帶如何來改善漏光對汽車顯示器的光學品質影響。接著,探討環境測試後,如何改善光學膜片產生背光Mura現象對汽車顯示器的光學品質影響。最後,探討環境測試後,如何調整間隙和固定材料來改善異音問題和防止光學膜片翹曲對汽車顯示器的光學品質影響。 本研究之汽車顯示器產生的漏光現象,藉由比較緩衝膠帶的特性來測試,實驗後,發現壓克力泡棉緩衝膠帶使汽車顯示器的光學品質變的更均勻。汽車顯示器在高溫保存的90℃下放置240小時後,光學膜片中的稜鏡結構被刮傷所產生的背光Mura,藉由改善光學膜片的製成參數,實驗後,發現改善稜鏡片的UV膠材的材質,其特性為彈性及延展性較高,有效的使光學膜片在環境測試中的熱脹冷縮的過程中不傷害表層結構。改善汽車顯示器之異音部分和防止膜片翹曲,藉由線膨脹公式來設計,改善光學膜片預留間隙和固定會有異音的材料以利於汽車顯示器在高溫保存的90℃下放置1000小時後,光學膜片不會翹曲使汽車顯示器的光學品質變的更均勻。 根據上述的研究得知在設計上需要考量膜片的膨脹收縮和防止異音,以及考慮緩衝膠帶特性、光學膜片材料的選擇非常的重要,這些都需要考量才可以設計出一個好的顯示器產品。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis thesis mainly discusses the improvement of optical quality and reliability of automotive liquid crystal displays. It is well known that the environmental test of automotive liquid crystal displays is more stringent than general electronic products, so the optical quality and reliability of automotive liquid crystal displays are very important requirements. This study focuses on three research is aimed at the center console of a vehicle using a liquid crystal display. First, explore how cushioning tape can improve light leakage of the optical quality of the vehicle displays. Then, after the environmental test., how to improve optical film producing backlight Mura phenomenon and affecting the optical quality of the vehicle displays Final, after the environmental test, how to adjust the gap and fixing materials to improve the noise problem and prevent the film waving from affecting the optical quality of the vehicle display. The light leakage phenomenon of the vehicle display of this study was tested by comparing the characteristics of the cushioning tape. After the experiment, it was found that the acrylic foam cushioning tape made the optical quality of the vehicle display more uniform. After the automobile display was placed at 90℃ for 240 hours under high temperature storage, the backlight Mura produced by scratching the prism structure in the optical film was improved, and after the experiment, it was found that the scratch was improved. The UV adhesive material is characterized by high elasticity and ductility, which effectively prevents the optical film from damaging the surface structure during the thermal expansion and contraction in the environmental test. Improve the noise problem of the car display and prevent the optical film waving. Designed by the linear expansion formula to improve the optical film to reserve the gap and fix the material with noise to facilitate the car display to be placed at 90℃ under high temperature storage. The optical film does not wave to make the optical quality of the vehicle display more uniform. According to the above research, it is important to consider the expansion and contraction of the optical film and the prevention of abnormal sound, as well as the selection of the characteristics of the cushioning tape and the choice of the material of the optical film. These need to be considered to design a good vehicle display. en_US
DC.subjectAutomotive liquid crystal displaysen_US
DC.subjectOptical qualityen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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