博碩士論文 106385601 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorNguyen Thi Thu Haen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在過去數十年間,越南的城市如同許多開發中國家,正面臨著急遽的都市化過程,這樣的轉變可能導致原有城市產生許多問題,包含資源缺乏、基礎設施不足、能源短缺以及人類健康問題。這些挑戰持續增加都市計畫與政府治理的壓力,迫使他們做出改變使得城市更加宜居。其中,運輸系統以不同的形式作為人民所有活動的必要關聯,因此在城市永續發展中運輸系統是一個極為關鍵的因素,智慧化基礎運輸系統的實施,將有效改善城市的永續性。智慧化運輸可以被視為一個改善安全性、緩解交通壅塞、降低運輸成本並保護環境的系統化機制。通過整合資訊與通訊技術並應用於運輸管理,許多現代城市正踏入數位時代。智慧化運輸的發展逐漸成為全球各大城市與越南的主流趨勢。 本研究始於強弱危機分析,針對五個越南最著名的城市其中三個(胡志明市、芹苴市以及峴港)進行基礎評估,以提供智慧運輸在越南的概略發展狀況。接著,為了在智慧運輸發展的背景下提升大眾運輸系統的效率,本研究使用結構方程模型確立影響智慧運輸系統使用的關鍵因子-以越南芹苴市為例。透過粗糙集演算法與關聯性法則演算法建立影響智慧運輸發展的關鍵要素,本研究評估在越南城市實施智慧化運輸的可能性,並探討智慧化運輸在越南城市的發展模式。 本研究之結果提供城市發展智慧運輸可能面臨的關鍵議題,找出影響智慧運輸發展的關鍵因子,並研究不同因子之間與智慧化運輸成功的相關議題。 關鍵字: 智慧運輸、粗糙集演算法、強弱危機分析、結構方程模型、關聯性法則、發展中國家zh_TW
dc.description.abstractSimilar to other developing countries, cities in Vietnam have been experiencing rapid urbanization over the past few decades. This rise in urbanization has caused cities to face many issues, including resource scarcity, insufficient infrastructure, energy shortages, and human health issues. These challenges have increased the pressure on urban planning and governance to make changes that will allow cities to become livable. Since all human activities are linked to transportation systems in various ways, the transportation system is the key component of sustainable development. The implication here is that if the transportation infrastructure is smart, the sustainability of these cities can be improved. Smart transportation can be seen as a mechanism to improve safety, mitigate congestion, reduce transportation costs, and preserve the environment. Through the integration of information and communication technologies into transportation and administration, many modern cities are transitioning into the digital age. The development of smart transportation is becoming popular in major cities around the world, including Vietnam. This research process began with a SWOT analysis to provide an overview of smart transportation development in Vietnam based on the assessment of three of the five most prominent cities in Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh, Can Tho, Da Nang). Then, to increase the efficiency of public transportation in the context of smart transportation development, Structural Equation Modeling was used to identify the key factors affecting the intention of using the smart transportation system—a case study in Can Tho City, Vietnam. By Rough set-based ranking and association rules approach, the most significant factors affecting smart transportation development were identified. This study aimed to evaluate the possibility of smart transportation implementation in Vietnamese cities, followed by a discussion of how smart transportation can be deployed in Vietnamese cities. The outcomes from this study hold important lessons for cities looking to implement smart transportation by outlining the key insights on the factors affecting the process of development of smart transportation and examining the complex relationship between the success of the deployment of smart transportation and the multitude of attributes, including infrastructure systems, policies, and actors. Keywords: Smart transportation, Rough set theory, SWOT analysis, Structural Equation Modeling, Association rule, developing country.en_US
DC.subjectSmart transportationen_US
DC.subjectRough set theoryen_US
DC.subjectSWOT analysisen_US
DC.subjectStructural Equation Modelingen_US
DC.subjectAssociation ruleen_US
DC.subjectdeveloping countryen_US
DC.titleEvaluating Feasibility of Smart Transportation Development in Major Cities in Vietnamen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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