博碩士論文 106450031 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorCheng-Ping Wangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract液化石油氣產業自民國84年第一波自由化,由總經銷開放為徵選經銷商,再歷經89年第二波自由化,增加供應商及第二波經銷商進入市場,最高曾達12家次經銷商(兩家供應商合計),近年由於市場萎縮,經過競爭及整合,目前實際上僅剩餘8家經銷商運作,其中銷量最高者與銷量長期無法提升者間差異甚大,故引發本研究探討之動機,尤其107年9月傳出中油公司供應之CHI經銷商無預警停止營業,顯示經銷商經營得法與否,對獲利有直接影響,何以經銷商因經營策略差異,致經營績效迴然不同,值得深入分析。 本研究挑選供應商中油公司旗下兩家銷量差距大且經營績效迴異的經銷商,比較其經營策略及成效,並進行SWOT分析。本研究以質性方法進行研究分析,透過個案訪談的方式及參考相關機關資料,取得研究資料。 經本研究深入分析探討後,對兩家個案歸納出以下結論: (一) 經銷商應持續透過收購或併購方式進行整併與結合,以維持一定的獲利。 (二) 與供應商中油公司議價,增加獎金激勵制度。 (三) 出租成本較高的分裝場,以求降低成本。 本研究對於研究主題之選擇、研究架構之建立與個案公司之訪談,雖然過程力求嚴謹以符合科學原則,仍有些限制: (一) 研究方法之限制。 (二) 研究過程的限制。 (三) 研究應用範圍的限制。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) industry was liberalized in the first wave of the Republic of China in 1995. The exclusive distribution was opened for the selection of distributors. After the second wave of liberalization in 2000, the second supplier and the second wave of distributors entered the market. Residential LPG dealers reached 12 distributors at the highest number (counting total of two suppliers), due to the shrinking market in recent years, after competition and integration, there are actually only 8 distributors operating at present. The distributor with the highest sales volume and the one without increase in the long-term are very different, so this is the cause that motivated me for the research and discussion. Especially one of the CPC Corporation’s distributors-CHI went out of business without warning in September 2018, indicating whether the distributors have managed their business well or not, which has a direct impact on the profit. That is why the distributors have disparity in business performance due to the discrepancy in business strategies, and it is worthy of further analysis. This study selects two distributors of supplier CPC Corporation with large sales gap and different performance, compares their business strategies and results, and conducts SWOT analysis. This study conducts research and analysis in a qualitative way, and obtains research data through case interviews and reference to relevant authorities. After in-depth analysis and discussion of this study, the following conclusions were summarized for the two cases:   (1) Distributors should continue to integrate through acquisition or mergers to maintain certain profit.   (2) Negotiating with supplier CPC Corporation to set up an incentive system for bonuses.   (3) Lease the supply stations with higher cost in order to reduce costs. The research is proceeded carefully to meet the scientific principles for the topic selection, research structure, and the interview with case management, but some limitations are still existed as below:   (1) Limitations to the research methods.   (2) Limitations to the research process.   (3) Limitation to the scope of application.en_US
DC.subjectLiquefied Petroleum Gasen_US
DC.subjectFair Trade Committeeen_US
DC.subjectNatural Gasen_US
DC.title液化石油氣經銷商經營策略探討─以S Gas公司與CHI公司為例zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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