博碩士論文 106450059 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChih-Min Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract中國從改革開放以來,工業化與城市化的腳步急速提升,生活水準也相對提高。中國的基礎建設、工業生產、房屋住宅等呈現如火如荼的往上增長,伴隨著中國電力市場不斷的擴大為低壓電器製造商提供良好的發展前景。台灣生產低壓電器的業者陸續進入中國設廠生產,然而在與外資和中國內資企業的競爭下逐一敗陣而迫離中國市場。 本研究目的主要探討低壓電器產業在中國低壓電器市場的概況,選擇台資企業在中國的經營策略進行分析。本研究利用個案分析法,透過次級資料的蒐集外,並與個案公司的前任和現任的高階管理層進行深入訪談。針對T公司在中國市場經營18年的行銷策略進行回顧及探討,了解那些行銷策略不當而錯失商機。 本研究提出四個結論,包括:(1)企業的行銷策略應隨外部市場環境的變化而進行快速的調整;(2)企業應透過競合策略,優勢互補把市場做大;(3)企業組織架構調整未臻完善,導致經營績效不佳;(4)推廣策略仍維持傳統單調的方式,並未與時俱進。針對上述結論,本研究提出相對應的行銷策略及組織架構上的建議,包括:(1)產品優化提高零件採購及議價最大化以提高產品利潤;(2)開發新系列低階產品與本土競爭對手搶奪市場擴大市場佔有率;(3)研發智能低壓電器產品;(4)調整原價格體系,與外資競爭對手競爭,利用低階產品與本土競爭對手做價格競爭;(5)建立客戶管理體系,重點客戶由公司直接交易;(6)增加網路推廣模式;(7)重新評估產銷分離的組織架構。本研究針對未來有意前往新興市場的台灣企業提出建議,以供參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe pace of industrialization and urbanization has been rapidly improved, and the living standard has also been relatively improved since China′s reform and opening up. China′s infrastructure construction, industrial production, housing and so on present the vigorous upward growth, along with the Chinese electric power market unceasing expansion provides the good development prospect for the low-voltage electrical appliance manufacturer. Taiwanese manufacturers of low-voltage electrical practitioner have been setting up factories in China, but have been forced out of Chinese market after competition with foreign and domestic Chinese enterprises The purpose of this study is to discuss the general situation of the low-voltage electrical appliance industry in China′s low-voltage electrical appliance market and to analyze the business strategies of selective TAIWAN-funded enterprises in China. This study used case analysis, through collection of secondary data and conducted in-depth interviews with the former and current senior management of the company. To review and discuss the marketing strategies of T company in the Chinese market for 18 years, and to understand those marketing strategies which are improper and missed business opportunities. This study proposes four conclusions, including: (1) the marketing strategy of an enterprise should be adjusted rapidly with the change of external market environment; (2) enterprises should expand the market through competitive and cooperative strategies and complementary advantages; (3) the enterprise organizational structure adjustment is not perfect, resulting in poor business performance; (4) the promotion strategy still maintains the traditional monotonous way and does not keep pace with The Times. In view of the above conclusions, this study proposes corresponding marketing strategies and organizational structure recommendations, including: (1) product optimization to maximize the purchase and bargaining of parts to improve product profit; (2) develop new series of low-grade products to compete with local competitors for market share and expand market share; (3) research and development of intelligent low-voltage electrical products; (4) adjust the original price system, compete with foreign competitors, and use low-grade products to compete with local competitors in price; (5) establish customer management system, and key customers will be directly traded and service by the company; (6) increase the network promotion model; (7) re-evaluate the organizational structure of production-marketing separation. This study provides Suggestions for Taiwan enterprises who intend to access emerging markets in the future.en_US
DC.subjectlow voltage applianceen_US
DC.subjectindustry analysisen_US
DC.subjectmarketing strategyen_US
DC.subjectSWOT analysisen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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