博碩士論文 106451015 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChih-Hua Chiuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract台灣無線射頻製造業是以外露式天線設計製造為主,由於勞力密集許多廠商配合系統廠將組裝製造遷移至中國大陸,2000年代起,智慧型手機崛起崛起,天線從過去外露式天線轉變為影藏式設計型態。產品服務從單純的OEM提升到ODM。要配合客戶的新產品的及時上市成了企業經營的競爭的關鍵命脈之一。由於無線射頻天線在市場上收取NRE的條件逐漸勢微,加上依賴量產所帶來的營運現金流卻演變低價競爭,而這產業又強調創新與彈性,使得新產品開發多由技術專業人員掛帥,早年低層次新產品開發,這種模式被譽為典範,然而複雜度與挑戰性層次提高後,這種行之有年的新產品開發模式就顯得異常澀滯,不是進度落後,就是量產後問題叢生。 本研究乃藉由對個案公司借重新產品開發流程觀看ODM模式及品質管制功能的強勢參與新產品開發的模式,以探討此一模式是否有效的解決了上述問題,且此一新的品質管制強勢參與的模式可否運用於其他產業,所得結論如為品質管制人員強勢參與新產品開發的模式是有效的,但是其充分條件為專案及品管的專業知識與資源整合能力及管理權責必須達到不低於專業技術人員的能力 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTaiwan wireless frequency manufacturing industry is mainly designed and manufactured for exposed antennas. Because of there are many labor intensiveness, many manufacturers cooperated with system manufacturers to move assembly and manufacturing to mainland China. Since the 2000s, the rise of smart phones has changed, and antennas have changed from past exposed antennas to shadows. Tibetan design type. Product services have been upgraded from pure OEM to ODM. To meet the timely listing of new products of customers has become one of the key lifeblood of business competition. Due to the gradual weakening of the radio frequency antenna receiving NRE in the market, and the operating cash flow brought by mass production, it has evolved low-cost competition, and this industry emphasizes innovation and flexibility, making new product development mostly by technical profession. The personnel are in command and the low-level new product development in the early years. This model is regarded as a model. However, after the complexity and challenge level are improved, this new product development model has been very stagnant, not behind schedule. Post-production problems are clustered. This thesis explores the above issues by effectively investigating whether the model is effective in the new product development model by looking at the ODM model and the quality control function of the case company through the re-product development process, and this new quality control is strong. Whether the model of participation can be applied to other industries, the conclusions obtained are valid for the mode of strong participation of quality control personnel in new product development, but the sufficient conditions are that the expertise and resource integration ability and management authority of project and quality control must not be achieved. Less than the ability of professional and technical personnel. en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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