博碩士論文 106729003 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorTzu-I Chiangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract現有探討茶產業變遷的學術研究多半為實體產業面向,集中於產業的市場分析、產品銷售,研究方式以官方機構統計資料和實地訪談為主,對於詮釋產業意象層面則缺乏關注。這些被形塑而來的地方產業意象,如何改變他的樣貌以迎合社會大眾的喜好,成為探索地方產業意象不可或缺的研究取徑。 本研究以龍潭茶產業意象為研究對象,龍潭地區為客家文化重點發展區,茶產業亦是廣為人知的地方產業之一。發展歷史悠久的龍潭茶產業意象經過媒體的建構與詮釋,逐漸由傳統、辛苦的意象轉變為浪漫、優美的意象,而意象會隨著社會變遷出現差異,在轉變的背後除自然環境與歷史人文條件外,也蘊含了政治經濟、人為因素交互作用下的結果。 對實體產業的了解提供本研究釐清龍潭茶產業意象轉化的歷程,也成為後續意象推廣的證據,筆者將三種材料作為了解龍潭茶產業意象特徵的的素材,第一種為跨時性的報紙文本,說明不同時空背景下媒體賦予龍潭茶產業的意義,第二種文本是當地業者的訪談資料,以全面了解不同業者心目中龍潭茶產業的面貌,說明茶產業在各時期分別被媒體以何種樣貌與方式呈現,最後透過第三種文本-廣告,闡述龍潭茶產業在各時期所蘊含的意象社會意涵。 研究發現,龍潭茶產業意象透過文化迴路的表徵、認同、生產、消費、規範這五個循環不斷重複而來,在媒體這些文化中介者作用下,龍潭茶產業意象在1981-2020年間共歷經3波轉折,從過去被視為傳統且勞力密集的茶產業和生產場所的茶園,如今被重新建構出浪漫優美的氛圍,品質意象也從過去較為低價的商用茶逐步轉為精緻茶,尤以2012年統一企業的品牌茶裏王廣告播出後轉變最為顯著,茶園也逐漸成為觀光客凝視的新要角,龍潭茶產業意象由早期地方業者自行主導,逐漸轉移到政府機構與文化中介者的影響力,轉變至今則是由媒體和消費者操作龍潭茶產業意象的力量較大。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractExisting academic research on the changes of the tea industry is mostly oriented towards the real industry, focusing on the market analysis of the industry, product sales, the research methods are mainly official agency statistics and field interviews, and lack of attention to the interpretation of industrial image level. How to change the appearance to suit the public′s preferences has become an indispensable research path to explore local industrial image. This study takes the image of Longtan tea industry as the research object, Longtan area as the key development area of Hakka culture, tea industry is also one of the well-known local industries. The development of the long-standing Longtan tea industry image through the construction and interpretation of the media, gradually from the traditional, hard image into romantic, beautiful image, and image will appear with social changes, in addition to the natural environment and historical human conditions behind the transformation, but also contains the political economy, human factors under the interaction of the results. Understanding the real industry provides this study to clarify the process of image transformation of Longtan tea industry, but also become the evidence of subsequent image promotion, the author takes three materials as material to understand the image characteristics of Longtan tea industry, the first is a cross-time newspaper text, explaining the significance of the media to Longtan tea industry in different time and space background, The second text is the interview materials of local operators, in order to fully understand the different operators in the mind of the Longtan tea industry, explain the tea industry in each period of the media in what kind of appearance and way, and finally through the third text - advertising, expounded the Longtan tea industry in various periods of the image of social implications. The study found that the image of Longtan tea industry through the cultural circuit of characterization, identification, production, consumption, norms of the five cycles repeated, in the media under the role of these cultural intermediaries, Longtan tea industry image in 1981-20 After 3 twists and turns over the past 20 years, tea gardens, once regarded as traditional and labour-intensive tea industries and production sites, have been reconstructed to create a romantic and beautiful atmosphere, and the quality image has gradually changed from the relatively low-cost commercial teas of the past to refined teas. Especially in 2012 unified enterprise brand tea king advertising after the most significant transformation, tea garden has gradually become a tourist gaze of the new corner, Longtan tea industry image from the early local operators themselves, gradually transferred to government agencies and cultural intermediaries influence, the transformation is still by the media and consumers to operate Longtan tea industry image power.en_US
DC.subjectImage of Longtan tea industryen_US
DC.subjectImage of local industryen_US
DC.subjectCultural Intermediaryen_US
DC.title地方產業意象的形成與轉變 –以龍潭茶產業為例zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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