博碩士論文 107125601 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHui-Min Xuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract摘要 1941 年 6 月 22 日德軍攻破蘇聯西部軍事防線,同年 9 月 8 日包 圍了位於俄羅斯西北部通往波羅的海重要城市列寧格勒,從此開啟長達 872 天的封鎖。德軍的圍城行動,幾乎阻斷了列寧格勒與外界的聯繫,只 剩下拉多加湖的物資運輸路線。由於戰前城內糧食儲備不足,加上德軍轟 炸使得糧倉起火,大批物資被燒毀,導致列寧格勒在圍城的第一個冬季即 爆發嚴重的饑荒。 因此,本文主要以蓮娜・穆希娜(Elena Mukhina,1924-1991)日記為 例,試圖說明列寧格勒圍城時期饑荒之下普通市民的日常生活。文章透過 蓮娜的視角及其他史料,探析圍城前後蓮娜生活發生什麼變化?蓮娜以及 家人處於食物配給制最底層,饑荒給日常生活帶來什麼影響?政府採取什 麼補救措施?二戰期間世界各國實行配給制,為何唯獨列寧格勒發生死亡 人數最為慘重的饑荒?長期的饑荒給人體帶來什麼疾病與心靈創傷?無 法逃離列寧格勒、且位於配給制底層的市井小民依靠什麼力量生存下來? 本文嘗試從饑荒、疾病與生存條件三個角度,分析蓮娜的戰爭經驗與蘇聯 政府塑造的英雄、勇敢、愛國主義的圍城記憶有何不同之處。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract On June, 22nd, 1941, the armed forces of the German government successfully broke through the defenses at the western part of the Soviet Union. Afterwards, the German authorities besieged the city, Leningrad, which was located between the northwestern part of the Soviet Union and the Baltic Sea. The lockdown had begun from September, 8th and lasted for 872 days. The victory of this war also caused Leningrad to be isolated from other cities. The supply of the food and other life essentials could only be conducted through Ladoga Lake. Because the granary was destroyed by the German armed forces and the storage of food was not enough before the outbreak of the war, the critical starvation in Leningrad thus happened from the first winter after this military conflict. This thesis aims at examining citizens’ living conditions under the circumstances of the besiege and the suffering of starvation by referring to the diary written by Elena Mukhina. For instance, what changes had been made to Elena and other residents after the besiege of the city began? Also, combining with other historical data and information, several questions will be investigated. Firstly, what were the consequences to both Elena and other people who were at the lower social-economic status brought by the problem of famine? Did the governmental authorities provide any essential help? Secondly, the distribution of food during the period of World War II was through the rationing system in most of the countries in the world, however, why Leningrad was the only city facing the severe famine problem with the highest death toll compared to other states? Lastly, was there any disease or psychological trauma gotten by people after experiencing the issue of starvation for a long period of time? As people belonged to the lower social-economic status were not able to leave Leningrad, what were their spiritual supports? Collectively, the thesis will analyze the difference between the experiences that Elena faced and the claims made by the Soviet Union about “hero”, “brave”, and “patriotism” through the angles of starvation, diseases, and the conditions of living.en_US
DC.subjectSiege of Leningraden_US
DC.subject“Diary of Elena Mukhina”en_US
DC.subjectfood rationen_US
DC.titleHunger, Disease and Survival: Viewing the Siege of Leningrad from “Diary of Elena Mukhina”en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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