博碩士論文 107155008 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChih-Hsing Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract1949年12月國軍在大陸作戰失利後,中國國民黨總裁蔣中正決定撤退來臺。三軍部隊經歷長期國共內戰結果,人員、武器及裝備均嚴重戰損,各項軍需物資、油料與零附件尤為缺乏,戰力幾消耗殆盡,難以掌控臺灣海峽制空、制海權,面對共軍可能渡海攻臺威脅,實難抵抗。基上,國軍首要任務,莫過於整軍備戰,保衛臺灣安全,伺機反攻大陸。 1950年6月25日韓戰爆發,美國考量臺灣海峽區域周邊安全,派遣第七艦隊協防臺灣,並依據〈中美共同互助協定〉,成立「駐臺軍事援助顧問團」,對國軍建軍規畫、兵力整建、備戰訓練,以及防衛臺海安全等工作,大規模展開顧問與協助。然為因應韓戰對共軍情報蒐集與兵力牽制需求,國軍不斷對大陸東南沿海地區島嶼發動攻擊,而1953年東山島戰役則是國軍撤退臺灣後,傘兵首次也是僅有一次空降大陸地區,且為參戰人數高達1萬餘人之三軍聯合兩棲併空降作戰,最為特殊。 國軍啟動本次戰役原因,竟是配合西方企業公司企圖-驗證游擊傘兵部隊作戰能力,並由金門防衛司令部司令官胡璉擔任此一戰役指揮官。惟評析戰役過程,歸納國軍失利關鍵因素,除海、空軍無法將登陸部隊及傘兵,機動至所望戰場,因而延誤作戰時程,嚴重影響戰力發揮外,就是陸軍部隊不能將最大可用兵力於決戰方面,對共軍無法產生有效打擊,導致共軍仍可依賴地形之利,固守陣地待援,俟增援兵力抵達後,在直接改變雙方攻防比例下,伺機全力反擊,逼迫國軍撤退。 關鍵字:蔣中正、胡璉、西方企業公司、東山島、傘兵zh_TW
dc.description.abstractChiang Kai-shek, director-general of Kuomintang, decided to retreat to Taiwan after the defeat of the National Army in the mainland China in December 1949. The long-lasting civil war caused considerable damage to personnel, weapons, and military equipment. The then military supplies, oil, and parts and components were particularly scarce; and the combat power was almost exhausted. Given this, it was challenging to control the air and sea dominance of the Taiwan Strait since the communist forces from mainland China might cross the sea to attack Taiwan. As a result, the National Army’s primary task was to reorganize the army and prepare for war with an eye to defending Taiwan’s security, and waiting for the opportunity to counterattack the mainland. With the outbreak of the Korean War on June 25, 1950, the United States dispatched the Seventh Fleet to assist Taiwan′s security around the Taiwan Strait. According to the “Mutual Defense Agreement between the United States of America and the Republic of China”, the United States established a “U.S. Military Assistance Advisory Group on Taiwan,” providing assistance in terms of military build-up and planning, force building, and preparation training, Taiwan Strait security, and military consulting. In response to the Korean War, the National Army continued to attack the islands in the southeastern coastal area of the mainland for the sake of gathering intelligence information and containing the communist forces. Among those, the Tung-shan Island Battle in 1953 was the first and only attack that paratrooper landed on the mainland after the National Army’s retreat to Taiwan. This battle involved the largest force, with a joint amphibious and airborne operation of more than 10,000 personnel from three armed forces. The reason why the National Army initiated Tung-shan Island Battle was to cooperate with Western Enterprise Inc. to verify its combat capabilities of guerrilla paratroopers; meanwhile, the National Army assigned Hu Lien , Commander of Kinmen Command Headquarters of Defense, to serve as the commander. However, the National Army was defeated in the end. According to the analysis afterward, the main reason for the defeat attributed to the navy and air force could not maneuver both landing troops and paratroopers to the designated battlefield. Thus, they missed the combat schedule and severely affected the performance. As a result, this reason, the army forces could not optimize their strength to carry out an effective attack against the communist army. Therefore, the communist military could take advantage of its terrain to resist and waited for more assistance. Upon the communist army gained additional reinforcements, they were able to fight back and forced the National Army to retreat. Keywords: Chiang Kai-shek, Hu Lien, Western Enterprises Inc., Tung-shan island, paratrooperen_US
DC.subjectChiang Kai-sheken_US
DC.subjectHu Lienen_US
DC.subjectWestern Enterprises Inc.en_US
DC.subjectTung-shan islanden_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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