博碩士論文 107226068 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWee-Lee Limen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractInformation hiding was born in the early 20th century which was an emerging cross-discipline in many technical fields, such as signal processing, information security, communication, and human auditory system theory. It is mainly divided into two major branches: digital watermarking and steganography. Different from the general traditional encrypted information security method, the information hidden type realizes secure communication transmission by hiding the existence of secret messages. As the time when large amounts of information are widely available to many people, largely through computer technology, information hiding acts as one of the means to protect intellectual property rights, secret communications has been increasingly studied and ap-plied in many fields. This paper proposes a method of audio hiding by hiding information in the frequency domain via short-time Fourier Transform (SFTF). The carrier audio was using MATLAB applied STFT convert into the frequency domain. In the frequency terms which were inaudible, the signal is modulated according to the embedded secret message, and then generated by inverse short-time Fourier Transform (ISFTF) converted into secret audio. After the secret audio is broadcasted by the playback device, it is recorded by the radio device and then short-time Fourier transform can be used to reversely analyze the hidden secret message. The subsequent papers applied to the SFTF’s window function coefficients of the audio hiding system and verified that the secret message embedding amount of the system was up to 17.24bit/s. Experiments have also confirmed that the system can interpret secret messages normally at a forward radio distance of 90cm, and has excellent robustness when the signal-noise ratio (SNR) is higher than 5dB. In the end, this audio message hiding system is integrated into a graphical user interface (GUI) application with MATLAB′s App Designer function.zh_TW
dc.description.abstract資訊隱藏是在二十世紀初誕生的涉及訊號處理、資訊安全、通訊、人類聽覺系統理論等眾多技術領域的新興交叉學科,並且主要分為數字水印與隱寫術兩大分支。和一般傳統的加密的資訊安全方法不同,資訊隱藏式透過隱藏祕密訊息的存在性實現安全通訊傳輸。在邁向數位時代的近代,資訊隱藏技術作為保護知識產權與祕密通訊之手段其一,越來越被廣泛的研究與應用。 本論文提出了一種音頻隱藏的方法。利用短時距傅立葉轉換的方式把音頻轉換到頻域空間,在人類聽覺系統不明感之頻域內(頻率大於9000Hz)依照嵌入之祕密訊息做訊號調變,再利用反短時距傅立葉轉換生成祕密音頻。該祕密音頻經由播放設備播出後再以收音設備錄製再利用短時距傅立葉轉換可以反解析出隱藏之祕密訊息。 接著論文了適用於本音頻隱藏系統的短時距傅立葉之窗函數係數,並且驗證了本系統的祕密訊息嵌入量為17.24bit/s。在實驗中也證實了本系統能在播放音量為65dB,於90cm的正向收音距離下能正常解讀祕密訊息,並且在雜訊比高於5dB的情況下有著絕佳的強健性。本音頻訊息隱藏系統最終以MATLAB的App Designer功能整合成了圖形使用者界面之應用。en_US
DC.subjectInformation Hidingen_US
DC.subjectAcoustic Steganographyen_US
DC.subjectSignal Processingen_US
DC.titleResearch of Acoustic Data Transmission Hidden in Audio Signalsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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