博碩士論文 107324001 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorJui-Ting Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來隨者大家對於健康保健意識的提升,各式抗菌相關產品紛紛湧出,遠紅外線在抗菌及醫療產品上也成了熱門話題之一。相比於其他化學加工產品所製造的抗菌商品,遠紅外線在抑制細菌及病毒上對人體較為無害。同時,近期有學者研究出遠紅外線的波段能夠產生共振能,使水分子團活化,形成小分子水,並驗證出小分子水對於人體健康及排毒有顯著的提升,使小分子水在未來抗菌產品上受到很大的關注。 本研究利用陶瓷材料及不鏽鋼金屬材料作為能使一般水分子團變成小分子水的物質,由於其有良好的遠紅外線放射率,因此可以藉此共振能去細化水分子團,使水分子團變小。不同的材料放射率也不同,形成小分子水的能力也不盡相同。所以本實驗透過這兩種材料去比較其形成小分子水的能力並藉由其材料形成之小分子水對菌體的影響做探討。 本研究在經過適當分析後成功證實了陶瓷材料及不鏽鋼金屬材料皆能使水分子團形成小分子水,並在小分子水環境下培養酵母菌及醋酸菌中發現其對酵母菌Saccharomyces pastorianus Lagar 23、 SafAle S-33及SafAle US05相對抑制率分別達76.9 %、78 %及78.6 %,且在醋酸菌Gluconacetobacter sp.SC-01 KIM-Y的相對抑制率也達45.6 %,充分證實了小分子水對於菌種抑制上有相當好的作用。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent year, with the improvement of health care awareness, a variety of antibacterial products have poured out, far infrared ray in antibacterial and medical products have also become one of the trending topics. Far infrared ray is less harmful in suppressing and viruses compared to bacteriostatic products manufactured by other chemical and processed commodities. At the same time, recent scholars have studied that far infrared wavelength can produce resonance energy, which cause the water molecular activating and forming the micro-clustered water. Also through the related research and analysis, the micro-clustered water has already been proved that it can improve significantly human health and detoxification. Thus, the micro-clustered water have been received great attention on the antibacterial products in the future. This study uses ceramic materials and stainless steel materials as materials that can turn ordinary water molecular groups into micro-clustered water because they have great far infrared radiation rates, that can be used to refine water molecular groups. Different materials have different far infrared radiation, the ability to form micro-clustered water is also different. As a result, this experiment through these two materials to contrast their ability to form micro-clustered water. Besides, testing the effects on the bacteria grows in micro-clustered water. After proper analysis, this study successfully confirmed that ceramic materials and stainless steel metal materials can make normal water molecular groups form micro-clustered water. In addition, the bacteria such as Saccharomyces and Gluconactobacter grow in the micro-clustered water will suppress their breeding ability. The inhibition rate of Saccharomyces pastorianus Lagar 23, SafAle S-33 , SafAle US05 and Gluconacetobacter sp.SC-01 KIM-Y are 76.9%, 78%, 78.6% and 45.6%. These results fully proved that micro-clustered water has a great impact on the bacteria suppression.en_US
DC.subjectMicro-clustered wateren_US
DC.subjectInhibition of bacteriaen_US
DC.titleA study of the bacteria growth by using far-infrared emitting materials changing the water clustersen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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