博碩士論文 107326016 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorTzu-Yu Yehen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract電容去離子技術為新興之海水淡化技術,藉由施加電壓將水中之離 子吸附至電極材料上,具有操作簡單、無二次污染、操作成本低之優 點。本研究利用電容去離子去除水中銨離子,以活性碳滴附在鈦板上當 作電極,以氯化銨溶液和氟化銨溶液進行實驗,並利用不同電壓探討活 性碳吸附銨離子的能力以及探討銨物種的變化。此外,本研究擬合了動 力學,結果顯示 Elovich model 最為符合,其 R2 幾乎高於 0.95,此模式表示了電容吸附過程中牽涉化學鍵的變化。在施加電壓 8 小時後,得到的pH 值相較於初始 pH 值是上升的,這可能是發生水解產生的氫氧根離子所導致。且在所有條件下均測到 NO3−,在少數條件下檢測到 NO2−並推測有 NH3 和 N2 的產生。電壓為 1.2 V 時,溶液為 1.5 mM NH4F 的銨去除量為 1.5 mM NH4Cl 的 10 倍,而 NH4F 所產生的 NO3−量約為 NH4Cl 產生的33 倍。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractCapacitive deionization (CDI) is an emerging seawater desalination technology. By applying a voltage, ions in the water are adsorbed onto the electrode material. It has the advantages of simple operation, no secondary pollution, and low operating cost. In this reserch, capacitive deionization was used to remove ammonium ions in water, and activated carbon was dripped onto a titanium plate as an electrode. Experiments were conducted with ammonium chloride solution and ammonium fluoride solution, and different voltages were used to explore the ability of activated carbon to adsorb ammonium ions and discusses the changes in the species of ammonium. In addition, this reserch fitted the kinetics, and the results showed that the Elovich model is the most consistent, with R2 almost higher than 0.95. This model represents the change of chemical bonds involved in the capacitive adsorption process. After 8 hours of voltage application, it can be seen that the pH was increased compared to the initial pH, which may be caused by hydroxide ions generated by hydrolysis. Besides, NO3− was detected in all conditions, NO2− was detected in a few conditions and NH3 and N2 were presumed to be produced. The removal amount of ammonium in 1.5 mM NH4F is ten times higher than in 1.5 mM NH4Cl at 1.2 V. Besides, the production of NO3− in NH4F is about 33 times that in NH4Cl at 1.2 V.en_US
DC.subjectcapacitive deionizationen_US
DC.titleThe removal of ammonium by capacitive deionizationen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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